Chapter One

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Everyone grew miserable when it was time for school to return, except me. At boarding school, the teachers would drill in our subjects such as Math, English and French as if there was no tomorrow. But that was better than having to live with my horrible Aunt Mildred who would drink away the day.

That's where I was, waiting for the underground tube to take me back to school, minding my own business, when three boys who looked my age barged into me. I felt myself lose balance and start falling towards the tracks. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see a slightly older boy with sandy, blonde hair was clutching onto my sleeve.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded and mumbled a small thank you and brushed myself off.

The three boys laughed in our direction and the blonde haired boy spun around.

"Aren't you going to say sorry?" He growled.

"Why should we? She was in our way. She should apologise!" A boy with red hair snickered.

"I'm not going to apologise! You're the one who pushed me!" I called back.

One of the boys spat in our direction.

The sandy blonde lunged forwards and threw a punch in the opponents directions. The crowd parted for them and the other two boys joined in, punching and kicking each other.

I yelled for them to stop, but it made no difference, everyone had formed a circle around them and were chorusing "Fight!" It was 3 against 1 and the sandy blonde was fighting a losing battle.

"Peter!" Two girls screamed from the crowd for the blonde. He made the mistake of glancing up, and therefore getting distracted and being thrown up against the wall. Someone pushed threw the crowd and jumped onto one of the boys fighting Peter. He had brown hair and a similar build to Peter.

A man in an army uniform pushed through everyone, blowing his whistle and shoving the boys away from each other. "Act your age!" He growled at them and the crowd broke apart.

I slowly walked over to Peter. "Thank you, you really didn't have to do that." I said shyly.

Peter turned around and gave a small smile, "they needed to learn some respect."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I'm Peter Pevensie, these are my sisters Susan and Lucy and my brother Edmund." He introduced, holding out his hand, his siblings followed.

"I'm Alexis Knight, but Alexis can be a bother so choose a short name out of that, some go for A or Ally, but I prefer Alex or Lexi." I rambled. I shut my mouth and blushed, I had a habit if talking quickly. Word vomit my mother used to call it.

"Pleasure to meet you Lexi." Edmund chuckled and shook my hand first with a warm smile. The rest of them did too.

We walked over to a bench and sat down. "You go to Saint Finbar's too, how come I've never seen you before?" Susan asked.

"I'm new and I don't like to make a big deal about it." I shrugged with a small smile.

"Ow!" Lucy squealed, jumping up.

"Lu?" Susan questioned.

"Something pinched me!"

"Hey! Stop pulling!" Peter exclaimed, jolting to the side away from Edmund.

"I'm not touching you!" Edmund protested.

"Look!" Lucy pointed to the train, running extremely fast past the platform. "It feels like magic!"

King Edmund the Just : A Lifetime In Narnia Where stories live. Discover now