Chapter Twenty-Four

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Caspian's POV

The star landed in front of us at transformed, the power of the light caused me to shield my eyes with my hand. The light faded softly, leaving a beautiful glowing woman with silvery blonde hair that sat at her waist and was wearing a pale blue dress. Her skin glowed lightly.

"Travellers of Narnia, welcome."

"You are most beautiful." My thoughts escaped my lips and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"If it is a distraction, I can change form?" She offered.

"No!" I exclaimed at the same time as Edmund.

I looked at him and could see he earned a sharp jab in the ribs from Alex. I chuckled. He diverted his gaze to the ground. I returned my eyes to the beautiful star in front of me.

"Are you not hungry?" Lilliandil asked.

There were mumbles of 'yes' amongst the crew.

"Who are you?" Lucy asked.

"I am Lilliandil. Daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide. Please. The food is for you!" She opened her arms and the room was illuminated with candles.

"Wait. What happened to them?" Alex questioned pointing to the sleeping Lords, I had almost forgotten about them. Almost.

"By the time they reached this island they had been driven mad. One wanted to continue east, while one wanted to return to Narnia and the other wanted to stay here in this sanctuary and peace. Violence is not tolerated at the Table of Aslan, so they were sent into a deep sleep after trying to kill one another."

"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked.

"When all is set right."

"Dark Island." I commented.

She looked at me as nodded. "Come with me." Lilliandil motioned for Edmund, Lu, Alex and I to follow her.

"Eat." I smiled to my crew. The cheered and immediately dug into the elegant dishes.

I hurried after the star.

"You need all seven swords to defeated the darkness which is in Dark Island."

"We only have six." Edmund mumbled.

"Do you know where the seventh one is?" Alex asked.

Lilliandil nodded, and much to my dismay, pointed to the island which was glowing a mysterious green and where our nightmares await.

"Once the seventh sword is placed on the table, the spell will be lifted and all will be set right."

"Do you know what lies in the Eastern Sea?" Edmund questioned.

I unable to take my eyes off such a beautiful woman.

"That is for you to find out, but if you go, you must leave someone behind before you return."

I gulped. I could not ask such a favour of any of my crew.

"Now I must go, the food awaits you and your friends, you will need strength and courage for tomorrow." She smiled.

"I hope we meet again." I said.

She smiled and nodded and with that her body grew brighter and brighter before she soared back into the sky.

"I hope we meet again?" Alex mocked with a grin.

"Shut up. Let's eat."


Alexis POV

The next morning, after resting, eating and regaining strength, we set sails on the Dawn Treader once again, heading for Dark Island.

Lucy and I prepared ourselves in my room. Gael sat on my bed, her feet dangling over the edge.

"What do you think is in there?" Lucy asked me, strapping my breast plate on. I had already armed her.

"Our darkest fears?" I bit my lip, my nightmares swimming before my eyes.

"That should be easy for you, you're The Fearless."

"I do have fears Lucy. I am scared of losing you and Edmund again, I am scared of something happening to Caspian, I am scared of Narnia getting invaded resulting in many deaths of our people. But because of those fears I am a stronger person, I fight harder and I make sacrifices for the people I love."

"When I am older I want to be just like you two." Gael addressed Lucy and I, taking us by surprise. I glanced at Lucy.

"When you're older, you should be just like you." Lucy smiled, hugging Gael. I hugged them both.


"Together we have travelled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptation. Be strong. Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives, depend on it. Think of the lost souls we are here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia." Caspian delivered his speech.

"For Narnia!" I cheered.

"And for Aslan!" Lucy added loudly too. The crew joined in with the cheers. Caspian looked taken by surprise. His eyes landed on me. I have him a warm smile and a thumbs up.

Drinian steered the Dawn Treader into towards the darkness. Edmund stood beside me and held my hand.

"We can do this." I whispered.

"Together, we can defeat anything." He added.

I turned to him and kissed him softly. "If anything happens-"

"Shh. Nothing is going to happen except destroying the green mist and retrieving the seventh sword."

I hugged him tight.

As we entered the island, the green mist began to float around everyone.

"Father." Caspian whispered, looking at nothing in particular.

Edmund was staring into the air, his hand gripped mine together. "No. You're dead!" He hissed.

"Edmund!" I whispered, but then I saw another Edmund behind him. The one with dark eyes and pale, cold skin. He was dripping with water. "Stay away. You're not real!" I growled.

"Am I not? I am here. You are awake." The cold Edmund seethed. "How could you, Lexi?"


"Lexi!" Real Edmund shook my arm. The green smoke disappeared.

"Keep away!" An unfamiliar voice called suddenly from the darkness. "You do not scare me!"

"Who's there?" Caspian yelled. Edmund turned on his torch and flashed it in the direction of the voice. There was a large rock and on it, stood a frail, old man.

"Lord Rhoop?" Caspian recognised.

"Caspian, his sword!" I exclaimed.

"Stand down." Caspian ordered the archers. They lowered their bows.

"Get him aboard ship."

Suddenly Eustace flew behind Lord Rhoop and picked him up with his claws. We moved out of the way so that the Lord could be lowered.

"We have the sword, come on let's go!" Edmund exclaimed.

Caspian nodded. "Turn her about Drinian."

"Yes, sire." He hurried off to the wheel.

"Whatever you do! Don't think of your worst fears!" The crazy Lord Rhoop warned.

"Oh no." Edmund tensed up.

"What is it Ed? What did you just think of?" I demanded. He let go of my hand and hurried to the side of the ship.

"The rocks are moving!" Lucy squealed.

Woohoo new chapter!! Sorry that it's not so creative!! I promise there is a lot to come very shortly!!!

Don't forget to comment and vote !

H x

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