Chapter Twenty-Two

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I'd like to dedicated this chapter to Exit_Flares , for sending me such a lovely message that really brightened my day!!!!

Hopefully you all enjoy the chapter :)


"Hmm?" I broke out of my daydream and turned my head to the source of the voice.

Lucy stood there with a grin on her face. "More land!" She exclaimed.

I smiled and stood up from the step where I had been sitting. I followed her to the long boat which was being lowered with Reepicheep, Rhince and a few other crewmen. I climbed into the next boat and sat next to Eustace, which was the furthest away from Edmund.

"I thought you didn't like me?" Eustace mumbled.

"It's not that, I just don't like the things you have to say." I answered with a small smile.

"Thanks, I think."

I nodded and picked up and oar and began to row in time with the others.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege." Reep stated from the second boat. He stood proudly on its bow.

"Well when we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water, the four of us will start looking for clues."

"Hang on, don't you mean the five of us?" Eustace piped up. We all looked at him. "Oh come on. Please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that." Reep answered.

"Big ears." Eustace mumbled.

"I heard that too!"

I chuckled and jumped out of the boat, my feet landing in the cool water. I pulled the boat onto the rocks. The island looked volcanic, I doubted their would be much food to find. The rest climbed out of the boat and took a long look at the island.

"It doesn't look like much would grow here, sire." Drinian pointed out.

"Find what you can." Caspian answered and began to walk away. The three of us followed.

"What's that?" Edmund pointed to a rope tied to a boulder. "It looks like we aren't the first ones here."

"The Lords?" I suggested.

"Perhaps." Caspian replied. He tested the rope's strength and climbed down first. I followed after.

It lead to a cavern with a sparkling pool.

"What is that?" I squinted and walked closer to, what looked like, a statue in the water.

Edmund picked up a stick and lowered it into the water. The end started turning to cgold, it got closer to Edmund's hands.

"Ed!" I gasped and hit the stick out of his hands. It dropped into the water.

"Thanks." He mumbled, avoiding my gaze.

"The water!" Caspian realised and motioned for us to step back. He pointed to Edmund's boot which had turned gold at the tip.

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