Chapter Thirteen

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Slice. Stab. Curve. Slice. Duck. Jump. Stab.
I practiced against a haystack in the stables. The horses watched me with curiosity. My arms were aching from my three hours of this, but I needed to keep going, my anger was still built up inside of me.

Two weeks ago, Edmund and the Pevensies had left. I didn't know when I would see them again. Peter and Susan never, Edmund and Lucy? Aslan knows how long. Would it be tomorrow? Or when I was a little, old lady with a walking stick, unmarried and alone? I didn't know how long it had been in my world. No. Their world. Narnia is my world now. It possibly had only been a day. The Pevensies would have returned to that station and caught the Underground back to boarding school.


The bale of Hay split and fell to the ground.

"Hey, that's my horses' food that you're attacking." A familiar voice commented from behind me.

I swung around and my sword came in contact with another sword. Caspian stood there, a smirk on his face.

"Need some competition?" He teased.

"Please." I answered and lunged forwards with my sword. He blocked and fought back. The sound of metal clanging echoed around the stalls of the stable. Horses nickered in disapproval.

I jumped onto a upturned bucket to get higher ground. I brought my sword over my head and swung it down. Caspian dropped to the ground and rolled. I took this opportunity to jump down and pin him to the ground.

"Well done Alex, you can wield a sword and sit on your opponent." Caspian teased.

"Why thank you." I grinned and stood up. Before I knew it, I was pushed to the ground and something heavy landed on my stomach. "Caspian!" I exclaimed, winded.

"Rule number three, or is it four? Never turn your back on your opponent while he or she is still alive."

"Oh shut up." I shoved him off me and stood up, brushing the straw from my breaches.

"Anyway, I came down to tell you that dinner is ready."


"Why so surprised?"

I shrugged. "I would have thought, since you are King now, you would have one of your servants do so."

"And I would have thought, since you have a title now, you would be behaving like someone with rank and wearing female clothes."
He teased.

I laughed. "Good luck getting me to wear a dress Caspian. Besides, I'm a Knight." We started walking back up to the castle.

"You wore a dress a couple of weeks ag-" He trailed off, realising what he has brought up. Memories and reality. "I'm sorry Alex."

I bit my lip and looked away. "No. It's fine." It wasn't actually, but I know he didn't mean to bring it up.

We reached the dining hall in an awkward silence. As we entered, the maids serving the meal curtsied. Caspian made his way to the head of the table and I to his right.

"Thank you." I smiled to one of the women who handed me a serviette. "So." I began.

"So?" Caspian repeated raising an eyebrow.

"I had an idea yesterday..."

"Uh oh."

I giggled. "Shut up it's a good one."

"We'll see."

"I think we should travel to the islands, previously Narnian land, and reassure them that all of Narnia is a safe place again. Also, we need to make alliances with places like Archenland and Tashbaan. They haven't heard from Narnia since before the Telmarines attacked, and I wouldn't be surprised if their loyalties lay somewhere else now."

"Alex, you have the mind of a strong Queen, why didn't Aslan make you one."

"Because you will marry one day and Narnia only really needs one Queen." I winked.


"Is that actually a complement Caspian?"

"Don't get used to it."

I poked my tongue out at him and resumed eating.

"Well, in the meantime...perhaps you could act as Queen, like a Queen Regent until I marry. Narnia needs your brains."

I giggled. "I'll think about it."

Sorry it's really short, I've been so so busy that I haven't had chance to write more.

Don't forget to comment and like if you enjoyed the chapter!!

Quick question: Where are y'all from? I'm living in Australia :)
H x

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