Chapter Seventeen

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"You're out of practice Caspian." Edmund teased, leaping from a box and finally disarming Caspian.

"I am not. You've grown stronger my friend." Caspian retorted.

"It's seems I have." Edmund shrugged with a playful smirk.

"May I?" I grinned, holding up my sword.

Edmund chuckled and impressively switched his sword between both hands. "Be my guest." He lunged forwards and I ducked under his arm, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Smart move."

"Why thank you." I laughed and clashed my sword against his. We fought back and forth along the deck, the sound of metal connecting filled everyone's ears.

"Tell me Ed, are you scared to be beaten by a girl?" I teased.

"No, because I'm not scared of the impossible."

I poked my tongue out and jumped his blade.

This went on for at least seven minutes before Caspian declared it a draw.

"You're no fun." I pouted to Edmund.

He smiled crookedly and sheathed his sword. I did the same. Edmund stepped forwards and kissed me unexpectedly. I smiled against the kiss and wrapped my hand around his neck.

There was wolf whistles from the crew. I pulled away and laughed.

"I missed you." Edmund whispered.

"And I you."


"Land ho!" A crewman shouted from the crows nest.

Edmund, Caspian and I rushed to the bow of the ship. Caspian pulled out his telescope and looked through it.

"What do you see?" I ask.

"Nothing." Caspian answered quietly.

"What?" Edmund raised his eyebrow.

"No I mean, I see the island, but there isn't anybody there, just a small town, without people."

"I don't like the sound of that." Lucy said from behind us. She and Drinian were standing there.

"I say we take a couple of men ashore with us on the long boats and check the place out. Don't you Drinian?" Edmund suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, but the first in command on this ship is King Caspian, I answer to him only."

Edmund looked taken aback. He nodded slightly, his cheeks reddening. I felt sorry for him, he had been second, to Peter and now to Caspian. But to me, he was always first.

"Yes, lower the longboats, we will anchor here and row in." Caspian walked away.


"Where is everyone?" Lucy asked as we walked through the dead streets.

"Yeah, looks like no one is home, should we head back?" Eustace suggest. I rolled my eyes, how could he be related to the Pevensies?

"Do you want to come over here and...guard something?" I asked unsurely.

"Yes! Great idea Alexis." He hurried over, and I couldn't contain my grin. He looked hilarious in his 'proper' English clothing which he had arrived in. I bent down and grabbed the dagger from in my boot and handed it to him.

"You know how to use one?" Edmund asked from beside me.

Eustace's face paled as he grabbed the hilt of the dagger. "Yes, I think so cousin." He said, his hands shaking.

I snorted and followed Edmund and the others into, what looked like, a cathedral.

"Why have they been crossed out?" Lucy question, referring to the names in the book. Beside each name was a value.

"Slave traders." Caspian realised, and as he did, bells began to ring. Men dropped from the ropes, swords raised.

I unsheathed my own and stabbed the on coming man. Around me, swords were clanging, I could see Edmund, Lucy and Caspian fighting too. I whipped around, my sword collided with another. Up, left, down, slice.

Then there was a scream.


We stopped. A man with shaggy clothes and rotten teeth held Eustace by the ear, a dagger to his throat. My dagger.

"Unless you want to here this one scream like a girl again, I suggest you drop your weapons."

I threw mine to the ground, as did Caspian, Edmund and Lucy.

"Eustace." Edmund spat.

"Tie them up. Send the boys to the dungeons. The girls and the squealing piglet can go to the market."

Immediately my hands were tied and a man was dragging me towards the door with Lucy.

"Lexi! Lucy!" Edmund yelled, trying to escape the men holding him.

"Alex! Lucy!" Caspian yelled too.

I struggled against the man, shoving and kicking him.

"Edmund!" I screamed. "Caspian!"

"You'll pay for this!" I heard Caspian threaten as the door closed.

Lucy and I kicked and screamed all the way to the market, where our hands were put in cuffs and we were tied to the wall.

Sorry it's short. I've been so busy. The amount of written assignments I have had gives me the biggest writing block.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked :)

H x

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