Chapter Twelve

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"Aslan is ready." Lucy had knocked on my door.

"Thanks Lu." I smiled hesitantly and followed her down. The Telmarine women had dressed me in a Narnian style dress, the fabric was comfortable and not too extravagant. My braided hair was released and fell in soft curls down my back.

"Lucy, if you had the option, would you stay in Narnia or return home to England?"

She paused in her step. "I would follow my family, because I am at home when I am with them." She answered me gave me a curious look. "Why?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Don't worry."

I thought I had made my decision, but now my mind was clouded again. How could I stay in Narnia if Edmund and the others weren't going to be there? I felt at home when with them. But in Narnia, I was content. I could fight more battles, help Caspian build Narnia to be a peaceful country again, my family was here too. But Edmund...

"What do you know?" Lucy asked quizzically, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I responded a little too quickly.

"Your expression gives you away Lex. What's happened? Actually, you don't have to tell me if you don't want."

"It's almost time for you and your family to go home. Aslan told me." I sighed.

"What? But what about you? You're coming too aren't you?"

"I don't know Luce, that's the problem. Aslan has given me a choice, I don't want to leave Narnia and Caspian, but I don't want to say goodbye to you and your siblings either."

Lucy sighed and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Follow your heart. You're at home here. You have family here. But also remember that back in London, you may not have family by blood, but you have us."

A tear ran down my cheek. I nodded and pulled the sweet girl into a hug. "Thank you."

Lucy and I walked out of the castle a few minutes later. I began to make a mental list of the pros and cons of each option.


"I am giving Narnia back to those who rightfully belong here. I will be a fair ruler to all." Caspian addressed the Telmarine and Narnia civilians.

Aslan stepped forwards. "Your forefathers come from the same world as the Kings and Queens of old. They were pirates who one day stumbled upon a cave, which brought them here." Aslan took a breath. "You can stay here, you are welcome to do so if you live in peace with the Narnians. But to those who do not wish to stay, I give you another option. I can return you to the island in which you came, it's a good place. Is there anyone who wishes to go?"

There was quiet muttering amongst the crowd. Then the General of Miraz stepped forwards. "I will go."

"So will we." Miraz's wife volunteered, her son asleep in her arms.

"Because you have come forth first, your life will be good in the world."

Aslan turned and blew a strong breath onto the entwined trees. They broke apart, revealing an opening.

The General and Prunaprisima walked through, disappearing in the process.

"How do we know he's not sending us to our deaths?" A Telmarine yelled.

"Sir, I will take eleven mice through without delay for an example."

Aslan sighed and turned his head to the Pevensies. Oh no. This was it.

"No. We will go." Peter answered.

"We will?" Said Lucy.

"Our time is up." Susan added.

I stayed silent, wishing to think of anything more which would satisfy my decision.

"Here." Peter stepped forwards to Caspian with Rhidion in his hands. "I won't be needing this anymore."

Caspian took a hold of it, admiring it intently. "I will look after it until you return."

"That's the thing. We aren't coming back." Susan answered.

"What?" Edmund gasped.

"Well you two will, at least I think he means you too." Peter reassured his younger siblings.

"Have they done something wrong?" Lucy questioned Aslan.

"Quite the opposite dear one. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world, and now it's time for them to use it in your world."

"Don't worry Lucy, you'll understand one day." Peter said halfheartedly.

Lucy turned to me. She knew. Aslan looked up and his gaze met mine. He knew too and nodded for me to announce my decision. I wished he could, but after all it was my responsibility.

"I have made a decision and will be staying in Narnia." I addressed the crowd. My eyes left Aslan's and rested on Edmund's, who was beside me, holding my hand. "I won't be going with you back to England." I watched as what I said processed in his mind.

"What?" He exclaimed, his hands began to tremble, I knew he probably assumed that I was going with them. I should have told him sooner, I wish I had known sooner.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, turning to him.

"No! Have I done something. Alex, I can't leave you." He cupped his hands around my face.

"No, you've done everything right. Edmund, there isn't anything for me in England anymore. My parents are dead, and my Aunt couldn't care less."

"I care. I'm sure Mother and Father would allow you to stay with us." He pleaded.

This was my last chance to go with him, we could grow old together, maybe raise a family. But I couldn't. I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry." I repeated over and over.

He silenced me by pulling my face to his, and crushing his lips against mine. We stayed like this for a few minutes, remembering every feature about each other. How our lips felt. How we taste. I don't think I could forget Edmund's scent, it was warm and welcoming.

"I love you." He whispered when I pulled away.

My eyes were still closed, I couldn't cry. "And I love you." I opened them, and what I saw made me feel like I had just been stabbed in the chest multiple times. Edmund's eyes were watering, small tears were falling down his pink cheeks.

"Aslan, will I ever see her again?" Edmund addressed Him.

Aslan nodded. "Yes."

I pulled Edmund in for a hug and clutches him tight. "I won't forget you. Ever. Goodb-"

Edmund cut me off by covering my lips with his hand. "Don't say it. Goodbye makes it sound like we shall never see each other again." He stepped back, not breaking our eye contact. "See you soon."

I smiled weakly. "See you soon."


That night Edmund was in my dreams. That moment when he walked through the tree and disappeared for Aslan knows how long.

Dinner gave me no satisfaction either. I was eating steak, which was usually my favourite, but today I couldn't taste anything. Caspian had tried to comfort me but I ignored him. I couldn't face him right now or anyone for that matter. I knew it was the right decision though. To stay.


Another chapter....what do you think? Don't forget to like and comment below :)

We have a new Princess in the world! Congrats to the Royal fam.

QoTD: What do you think the new Princess's name be?

I vote for Diana but who knows....

King Edmund the Just : A Lifetime In Narnia Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora