Chapter Fifteen

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"She's magnificent Caspian!" I gasped, climbing aboard the Dawn Treader. Her sails were down and the wood was freshly polished.

"She is! Let me show you around." He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a door. He looked like a child heading for a candy store, it was quite funny.

I received a tour of the deck, the lookout, Caspian's quarters, the poop deck where I was introduced to the Captain, Drinian, then the storage room and the Crows nest.

"And now, your room."

"Caspian, I could have easily slept down with the crew."

"I know, but I think you will like this!" He dragged me to a door. My name was painted in gold on the dark wooden door. Caspian pushed it open. I gasped. Instantly I noticed the stunning view from the window. It overlooked the calm, blue sea and the horizon. My bed was in the corner and there was a fireplace opposite. Overall, it was homely. Caspian was right, I did like it.

"Thank you!" I grinned, hugging my best friend.

He chuckled. "You're very welcome. I will leave you to make yourself at home. I will be up on deck, we set sail in an hour."

"Don't think of it as a waste of time Caspian." I reassured as we disembarked from the Redhaven port.

"I just wish I could have seen Him again."

"He's probably busy." I answered, not too sure myself. When we had reached the Seven Isles, we immediately caught word of Aslan's presence. Unfortunately, we were unable to catch a glimpse of him.

Caspian nodded and ran his hands through his hair. I noticed then how much he had changed since when I had arrived in Narnia for the second time. His chin was no longer bare, there was slight stubble growing. Caspian's hair was now long enough to tie in a small ponytail, and his figure was broader. His once strong accent was now not so strong. Maybe it was only because I had been around him everyday that I didn't notice the changes, but here, as he sat at his desk in his quarters, he looked more like a man than a boy.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the table and taking a bite.

"No." He growled, tracing the map with his finger.


"What?" He snapped, his hard eyes bore into mine, but then he realised and they quickly softened. "Sorry." He mumbled.

I stood up and walked behind him before grabbing his shoulder with one hand, as I was still eating my apple. "We will find these Seven Lords." I promised, massaging his neck.

Caspian quivered at my touch. "What if they're already dead, this could all be just a waste of time?"

I shook my head. "You should have faith."

He sighed and nodded. "You're right. Thanks Alex." Caspian turned and smiled at me.

I returned it and pecked him on his cheek before standing back and finishing my apple. "I think I'm going to hit the haystack, I'm exhausted. Wake me if anything happens."

"Will do."

I hugged him quickly and bid my goodnight. I walked out to my cabin. It was dark now, and the water was calm. The sound of the waves gently lapping the side of the ship, sent me to sleep quickly.

"You're a stupid girl." A voice growled from the shadows. "You made the wrong choice leaving Narnia, your friends and people have been left, abandoned." The voice was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Who's there?" I demanded, standing my ground, my sword raised. I was in an unfamiliar, dark room.

The voice chuckled. "Are you scared...High Knight Alexis, the Fearless."

"Not in the slightest." I replied, turning around, trying to locate the owner of the voice.

"Looking for me?" And then Edmund stepped out of the shadows. My heart leapt and I grinned. But that grin was short lived. Edmund's eyes were black, his skin was pale and his figure foreign.

"Who are you?" I spat.

"Have you already forgotten me?" He chuckled.

I stepped back as he stepped forwards. "You're not Edmund."

And then the figure changed. Edmund morphed into Caspian.

"You left me you know." He sobbed. "I thought what we had was love."

"Stop!" I cried, trying to find a way out of this room but there were no windows and no doors.

"Alex! My bestfriend! The love of my life! You broke my heart! Took it into your little hands and crushed it!"

I grabbed my head, and pulled my hair. "No! Stop! Please!"

Caspian's figure changed once again and it was Lucy standing in his place.

"Alexis. How could you choose Narnia over my brother? Do you know how heartbroken he was?" She stepped aside and revealed a lifeless body lying on the ground. Edmund's.

"No!" I cried and shook my head. I rushed forwards and began shaking him, tears pouring down my face.

"He couldn't handle the pain you brought upon him, so he ended his life because of you. You and your stupid decision." Lucy spat.

I screamed, tears pouring even more. "I'm sorry." I whispered over and over, like that day Edmund returned to England.

"Alexis." A new voice called. I stayed on the ground, refusing to look up. "Alexis." It called again, mockingly. I cried and shook my head, I couldn't handle anymore.


I woke with a start. I was dripping with sweat, and I could feel tears on my face. My heart was racing. It was just a dream. Just a dream. I sat up, light was pouring in from the window, the sea was still calm thankfully. I walked to my wardrobe and changed into my usual breaches and tunic, which I had to tie at my hips as it was too long for me.

My hair was a mess. I gave it a quick brush and pulled it back into a ponytail.

There was a knock at my door.

"Just a minute!" I called, quickly splashing my face with water and patting it dry. At least now I looked presentable. I walked to the door and opened it. What I saw next made me stop in my tracks.

New chapter!! What do you think?? I hope you all liked it, don't forget to comment and vote.

What do you think made Alexis stop in her tracks??

H x

King Edmund the Just : A Lifetime In Narnia Where stories live. Discover now