Chapter Four

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"We need to use the element of surprise." Peter explained to the Narnian Army.

"It's too dangerous, we will lose too many lives!" Caspian protested.

Over the past two weeks I had taken a liking to Narnia. The friendly fawns, the minotaurs, Reepicheep especially made things lighter and Lucy's DLF held great conversations. However, during the past two weeks I could find no recollection of my previous times in Narnia.

"This isn't a fortress! It's a tomb. We can't hide in here forever." Peter argued.

"Yes and if they're smart, they will just wait us out, we are bound to starve." Ed said from beside me.

"We can collect nuts!" A squirrel piped up.

"Yes and throw them at the Tulmarines. Shut up!" Reepicheep answered sarcastically at the squirrel.

I stifled laughter. I could feel Ed shaking silently, I shoved him to shut up. He grinned at me.

"Be serious." I whispered in an attempt to conceal my giggles.

"-you're all acting like there are only two options. Dying here, or dying there." Lucy spoke.

"I'm not sure you've really been listening, Lu." Peter replied.

"You don't understand, or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter." Lucy defended. Go Lu!


"Just make sure you never turn you're back on your opponent." Edmund pointed out, putting his sword into the ground. This afternoon he'd been giving me fighting lessons.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You are really good, you know." He complimented as we walked to the river, not the one where the Telmarines were.

"I'm guessing that it's from when I was last in Narnia. I wish I could remember." I sighed.

Edmund kneeled down next to the stream and splashed a handful of water over his face. "You're sure to remember in good time. The memories are in there, somewhere." He smiled, tapping my head then messing up my hair.

"Hey!" I gasped, lunging for his hair and tugging at it.

"Ow!" He whined, bending over clutching his head.

"Aw you baby!" I cooed, teasingly.

I saw him peek through his dark hair with a mischievous grin on his face. I knew what was going to happen before I could do anything about it. Edmund ran forwards and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I squealed, punching his buff shoulders.

He laughed loudly and dropped me into the stream, the water went up to my waist and it was freezing.

Edmund was doubling over, in fits of laughter, when I pulled his shirt and him, into the water. He jumped up, gasping for air and splashed me with his hand.

I splashed first and in the next minute we were having a water fight.

"Very funny Edmund Pevensie! Where did you go?" I called after he disappeared under the water. "Ed!" I was slightly worried now.

Suddenly something grabbed my ankle and I screamed. Ed's head emerged from the water and he was laughing. I pushed him over and scowled.

"I thought you were some kind of fish wanting to eat me!"

Edmund shook his hair, spraying water everywhere, like a dog.

"Gee. Thanks." I spluttered, wiping the drops from my cheeks.

"You sounded worried." He teased, pouting his lip in a cute way

"I was not." I huffed, crossing my arms and turning my back to him.

"Ed!" He mocked.

"Well I wasn't worried." I tipped my chin up, stubbornly. "You could have drowned and it wouldn't have worried me." I lied. Of course it would, but he would relish at the thought of teasing me even more.

It was silent for a few seconds and the I could feel Edmund breathing down my neck.

"I'll just go drown then."

I nodded without even glancing at him and I could tell he was probably pouting again.

I heard him dip beneath the water again. It was cold when we first entered the river, but now, after being in here long enough, it felt warmer than the air above.

Edmund didn't come up. I started fretting and calling his name once again. The water was rushing too fast to see very far down. I took a deep breath and went under.

He was clutching onto a root and as soon as he saw me he smiled cheekily.

I shook my head and could help but smile. I had enough air to be comfortable for the time being, so I pulled myself down by the root. Edmund reached out one hand and held my floating plait. His eyes landed on mine and I studied his. They were a deep, chocolate brown.

Suddenly his hand left my plait and rested on my neck. Our noses were touching and he closed the distance of an inch. His lips brushed against mine and I closed my eyes. Our lips touched again and I gave him some air by blowing it gently into his mouth.

I pulled away, realising what was happening. I was kissing Edmund. I'd never kissed anyone before. I pushed my feet into the stream's bed and swam to the surface, coughing once the fresh air hit my face. Edmund surfaced a second after me. I clambered towards the rocks and our swords. We hadn't brought any towels, as we weren't expecting to go swimming. I picked up my sword and trudged towards the clearing.

"Lexi wait!" Edmund called, but I ignored him.

I wasn't angry. I was just confused and needed time and space to think. I had just kissed Edmund! I didn't know how to feel.

"Lexi!" Ed yelled again.

I broke into a sprint towards the tomb but Edmund caught up before I reached the entrance and grabbed my wrist.

"What's wrong?" He pleaded, searching my eyes.

I lowered my gaze to the ground. "I just don't know. I need time to think." I whispered.

"Do you feel anything for me?" He asked.

I pulled out of his grip and ran a hand through my wet hair. "I don't know." And with that I ran back into the tomb.

There we go, they've kissed!! I hope you all enjoyed!

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King Edmund the Just : A Lifetime In Narnia Where stories live. Discover now