Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Just because I feel like updating!!
Alexis POV

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. "I'm never drinking again." I moaned to myself, rolling over onto my back. I tried to recall things from last night, I danced with Caspian and several Dukes and Kings. I drank too much mead and wine and I could remember running around in the garden, but after that nothing. How did I get to bed in my nightgown? Caspian must have helped me.

I groaned, last night I probably made a fool of myself. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My dress was hanging over a chair and my corset lay at the end of my bed. I sighed and threw my feet over the edge of the bed. Bad idea. My head started to spin and my stomach lurched. I rushed to the toilet and threw up last night's dinner.

"Your Majesty!" A female voice exclaimed, rushing into the bathroom and holding up my hair.

"Thank you Juliet." I wiped my mouth and slowly stood up. Juliet handed me a warm, wet facecloth.

"Can I get her Majesty anything?"

"A drink of water, please."

She nodded and hurried out. I looked out myself in the mirror. My hair was wild and my mascara was smeared down both cheeks. I wiped my face with the cloth, removing the dark makeup. My brush was next to the sink so I made an attempt to at least look presentable.


"How are you, your Grace?" Glenstorm asked as I entered the Great Hall. I had insisted before that they just call Alexis, I was only Queen Regent after all. But they never did.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled and sat down, I was still hungover and tired. My stomach growled as the scent of bacon, eggs and sausages wafted up my nose. "Have you seen, Caspian?"

Glenstorm nodded with a sigh and handed me a folded piece of paper. "King Caspian left early this morning, he asked me to give you this."

"Left? Where to?" I frowned.

"He said he explains it all in the letter."

I opened the parchment and began to read.

Alex, my dearest and closest friend,
I am sorry I left so early this morning, but I have to do this, before it's too late. My heart longs for a companion, and as King of Narnia, I am expected to one day marry and produce an heir. So I am returning to Ramandu's Island and bringing home the Star, Lilliandil. I hope to see you in a month's time, but I doubt that the wind will be on my side this time, so I may take longer.

Until then.

With love,

I put down the letter, my appetite suddenly gone. Why was he suddenly in such a hurry to marry? I tried to think of all of our conversations, never once had he mentioned that his heart 'longed' for a companion. Besides, we had only just returned from the sea and he was off again? I stood up, my chair scraping on the stone floor.

"Thank you Glenstorm."

"Is the food not right, my Queen?"

"Not at all, it's delicious, but I am afraid I am feeling quite ill. I think I need some fresh air." Before he could ask anymore questions, I hurried off.


Caspian's POV

"I have returned to see Lilliandil." I said to the man standing before me at the Table of Aslan.

"And who might be requesting a council with my daughter?"

"King Caspian, the Tenth, of Narnia."

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