Chapter Seven

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I avoided everyone that afternoon and the next morning. I went to bed early and stayed in as long as possibly. I wanted to sleep my troubles away. Unfortunately my troubles followed me into my dreams. I dreamt, or were they memories, of Caspian and I. We were younger and full of life. I think I was around 14 or 15, just when I first stumbled into Narnia. Unfortunately though, Miraz's spying eyes weaved themselves into the story line.

"Miraz has been awfully quiet. What's he planning?" Edmund announced at an army meeting.

"He plans many things. He's conniving, don't underestimate him." Caspian answered. He stood beside me, his fingers laced with mine. The Pevensies' barely said a word to me. Except Lucy, she still treated me the same. Aslan bless her.

"I think we have learnt that by now!" Edmund snapped.

"What Edmund means is that we know Miraz now, his methods are familiar to us." Susan explained.

"We should send a small group out to the river. Two or three of us. We can work out his motives."

"We need food too Peter." Susan added.

"Send a group out hunting and group out to the river?" Caspian suggested.

"I can go to the river." I volunteered.

Susan glanced at me in an unfriendly way. "I think we need proper swordsman to go."

"She can use a sword, Susan. She just fought in a battle!" Lucy defended me.

"We need someone whose been experienced for a few years."

"Alex used to live here." Caspian retorted.

Susan fell quiet.

"I will go with you then." Peter announced. I sighed.

"Edmund, Caspian and Susan, you will go hunting." He added.

"Can I be of any help, sire?" Reepicheep asked.

"You can inform the others of our plans, Reep." Peter smiled.

"It will be an honour."


"Be careful." Caspian pleaded, standing beside me and my horse, adjusting the girth on my saddle.

"It's only a trip to the river." I laughed.

Caspian smiled slightly. "Yes, but I've lost you once, I don't want to lose you again."

I nodded and he brought his lips to my hand.

"See you soon, Princess."

"Why do you call me that? I don't have a single drop of Royal blood in me." I giggled.

"In my eyes you're a Princess and one day, I hope, my Queen."

My heart felt like it hand been sliced in half.

"Let's go." Peter ordered, pressing his horse into a steady canter towards the woods. I followed quickly behind silently thank Peter for the interrupted

We reached the woods in a matter of minutes and Peter slowed to a walk.

"I hear you've remembered your previous time in Narnia?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "I have."

Peter frowned. "What you did to Ed-"

"Peter, if you're hear to criticise me, I think I can do this alone."

"No. I just don't think your completely truthful about this."

I stopped my horse. "Excuse me?"

"Sorry, that came out harsh. I feel like you're hiding something."

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