Chapter 13: Accident

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Newt's P.O.V.

On the holiday in my third year I have spend time with Leta LeStrange for the first time. She was actually nice to talk to. Y/n couldn't stay at Hogwarts at that holiday and I missed her but Leta helped me to get my mind off of this. I was proud of myself that I have found one more friend.

When the new term started and Y/n came back I introduced her to Leta. As the end of the year came I could tell that Y/n tried to be friends with Leta but Leta wasn't trying to be friends with Y/n. Y/n pretended that everything was fine but I could see her getting sadder and sadder every day.

When exams were finished and everyone went home I have realised something strange. A few weeks passed and I have noticed that almost every of my thoughts would trail to Y/n. Her kind and shy personality. Her beautiful appeareance. Her hair. Her rare smile. Her gorgeous eyes. At first I was a bit scared of what was going on with me. But after some time I came to a conclusion that... that I have a crush on Y/n. I mean, who wouldn't? She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen!

But there was just one problem. One problem I knew for sure. A girl like her will never, ever like a guy like me. It made me sad. It made me so sad that I decided to distance myself from her for a while. I wanted for my feelings to go away. But they never did.

I have never told it to Y/n but there were a few times when other boys at Hogwarts from different houses were asking me about Y/n. From the moment they approached me I knew that they were no good. They wanted to know her because she was beautiful and not because her personality. It made me so disgusted. I wanted to tell them to never even glance at Y/n, I just didn't have the courage to do so. So I being my stupid self just turned around and walked away.

So instead of spending time with Y/n I started spending time with Leta. I could tell that she was happy about it. But the thing is that I wasn't. I wasn't happy at all. I tried to pretend so but failed.

It broke my heart to see Y/n all alone at her usual place at the Ravenclaw table. She was so sad and lonely. And it would make my blood boil when I would see one of the boys who asked me about Y/n approach her. But it made me let out a happy sigh when she would reject them. It would make a smirk apear on my face when I see those boys who are sure that every girl wants to be with them look at Y/n walking away with shock and disbelief on their faces.

Right now, you are probably wondering what kind of a terrible person I am if I watch the most kind and beautiful girl in the world being so sad and lonely and do nothing. Well, I will tell you. The thing is that I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I'll start to spend time with Y/n again, my secret will slip out. What will happen if Y/n will find out that I have a crush on her. I know that she doesn't return the feelings, I'm sure of it. But what will happen? Will she say that we can be just friends? Or maybe she will never want to see me again?

Merlin's beard! I'm just hopeless. I'm having a crush on the girl of my dreams. But the thought of me the way I think of her will never, ever even cross her mind.

Not that long ago Leta asked me about Jarveys. I told her everything I knew about them. Like that fact that they can talk, where they live and what they eat. I didn't know why she wanted to know it. When I asked Leta she said that she was just curious. That was enough for me to know.

But one day she told me that she had found a Jarvey in the Forbidden Forest. Leta showed me her notebook with an experiment written down. I immediately closed the book and gave it beck to her. I told her that it was a very bad idea. It would be the same as animal abuse, and it is illegal.

The exact same day we had a Deffence Against the Dark Arts lesson where we were learning a 'Riddikulus' spell. Y/n was there too. When we were forming a line she was pushed into me. The moment me and Y/n made physical contact I blushed like crazy. Thank Merlin that she didn't look at me. Even after almost two years of distancing myself from her my feelings haven't gone.

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