Chapter 28: Awkwardness, Talks and Songs

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Your P.O.V.

You let go of the teapot and stood up, allowing for Newt to take it. Only when you dusted your clothes you noticed that something was missing. Your case. You didn't want to seem stupid and panic, especially in front of Newt, so you quickly grabbed your wand, which was safely hidden in your pocket, and using that gift of yours, you swiftly waved your wand. Moments later your case was in your left hand.

While you returned your case, Newt placed the teapot in the case, for now not bothering to go inside it.

"So, we got all of your creatures back. What are we gonna do now?" Jacob asked.

"It's way past their feeding time." You said.

"Y/n is right. We should go somewhere safe, where we can go inside the cases." Newt said.

"We could go back to our apartment, but if you promise not to run away this time." Tina offered while motioning at herself and Queenie with her hand.

"Yeah! I could cook some food for us! I bet you're all very hungry." Queenie said smiling, mostly at Jacob.

Queenie was as always right. Neather of you realised it till now, probably due to the adrenaline you experienced just a few minutes ago, but you couldn't really remember the last time you ate. And thoughts of food made your stomach rumble slightly.

"Well, let's go then." Newt said, with a slight hint of impatience in his voice.

He walked closer to you and offered you his arm. You starred at his arm for a few moments, not understanding what we're you supposed to do. Only when Tina, Queenie and Jacob walked closer as well you understood that it was for Apparation.

Blushing, you wrapped your arm around Newt's while Jacob held onto your other arm, and with a slight flick of Tina's wand, who slightly wrapped her arm around Newt's, which you obviously didn't like, you all Disaparated from the Department Store.

Moments later you already found yourself in the living room of the Goldstein apartment. Queenie immediately skipped to the kitchen and started preparing the meal. You thought that you could feed some of your creatures while she cooked, so you let go of Newt and knelt down, placing your case on the floor, opening it. You basically jumped up and went town the stairs, right into your case. You noticed that Newt was doing the same thing.

When you were a few steps away from the ground you jumped of the stairs and started to take of your coat. It was pretty warm in the Goldstein apartment but it was even warmer in your case. When you took of your coat and hanged it on the rack you went into the food storage room. But you stopped when your gaze fell upon the particular photo you have stared at a million times. The photo of Newt, which was taken back at Hogwarts many years ago. But it honestly felt like it was yesterday.

You caught yourself thinking that you liked your life the way it was right now. But you would give anything to get back into those days at Hogwarts, when you still had your best friend. Newt made your days at Hogwarts the best days of your life. Well, the ones where he was talking to you, the ones where you were together.

"The dinner is ready!" Queenie yelled, kicking you out of your thoughts.

Merlin's beard! You didn't think that she would cook this fast. Well then, your creatures will wait a little bit more.

You turned around and made your way towards the stairs and climbed up. But when your head was peeking out of the case you stopped. You realised that Newt's case stood right next to yours, and he was climbing out of it! Without you even realising it, your head turned to him and his head turned to you! Your faces where only inches away, noses almost touching! Both of your faces became insenely red! You could see every little adorable freckle on Newt's face. It was obviously Queenie's doing.

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