Chapter 20: Inside Your Case

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Newt's P.O.V.

I carefully stepped out of the case and then helped Mr. Kowalski while motioning for him to be quiet. I was already dressed in my coat. When Mr. Kowalski was fully out of the case and standing on the ground I bent down to close my case.

I know that I told Mr. Kowalski that if he won't help me then I'll ask Y/n for help. The truth is, that I was going to ask for her help anyway.

When I stood up I grabbed Mr. Kowalski's arm and told him to be as quiet as possible. I took out my wand and was hoping that Y/n wasn't changing right now. Thank Merlin that I saw where the room where she's in was. So I flicked my wand and moments later found myself in a room with one single bed and a shelf. Mr. Kowalski was quiet  the whole time. To my surprise there was no sign of Y/n. Where is she?

As I was looking around the room I noticed a gray leather briefcase lying on the floor in front of me. I let go of Mr. Kowalski's arm and bent down. Is it just a coincidence, or is it what I'm thinking about? No, Newt, there is no way that it is what you're thinking.

My curiosity got the best of me and the next thing I know I popped the case open.

My eyes went wide from shock and amazement when I saw that Y/n's case contained a pack of steps and not some clothes or books.

"Wait... Is that?" Mr. Kowalski said from behind me.


I quietly set my case on the floor and stood up. There was no sound coming from Y/n's  case so I assumed that she was somewhere further inside the it. I couldn't call her because Tina would hear and I didn't need that. I stepped inside her case and walked down some steps. I wanted to motion for Mr. Kowalski to wait outside but he already started following me.

When I reached the ground I looked around. I found myself in a shed. It was the same size as mine. The shed had four doors, one of them had a window. I assumed that it led outside. The shed inside was way, way cleaner than mine. It was organised in a perfictsionistic way. All kinds of potted plants, herbs, vials, potions, tablets and pills lined the shelves. An incredible number of books was basicaly squeezed between all items on the shelves and some were placed on the floor. A map hung on the wall surrounded by different notes and pictures of incredible creatures.

At the workstation there were labelled bowls and jars filled with different kind of food for creatures.

On the table near the wall there were loads and loads of incredible drawings and scetches of different beasts. There also stood an old typewriter, which looked better than mine. On the left side of it laid notebooks and papers written in Y/n's beautiful small handwriting. On the right side of the typewriter laid typed manuscripts.

I know it is rude to pray into others things but I was very intrigued what Y/n could write about so I slightly leaned over the table and glanced at the typed papers. As I was reading the first paper that I saw I understood that it was a very detailed description of a Niffler. It was brilliant! Even I did not know some of the things she wrote.

It was just insane that the woman I'm deeply in love with has a case just like mine, probably full of creatures.

Suddenly the wooden floor of the shed qreaked under Mr. Kowalski's foot kicking me out of my thoughts. That was the moment when I remembered why I was here at the first place. I was here to ask for Y/n's help with finding my creatures and also spend some time with her.

I want to know what was she doing all those years. How did she finish studying at Hogwarts? Was she alright after I was expelled or was she as broken as I was? I know that it was stupid of me to hope that maybe she'll still be single. But she isn't. I mean, I'm very happy for her. She found herself a person who she loves and who hopefully loves her. This man she's engaged with is the luckiest man on earth. I want to meet him and tell him to take care of her and to love her as much as he can. Of course it will pain me to see Y/n with someone else but if that is what she wants then let it be.

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