20. don't panic

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20. don't panic 

With a bleeding-nose and two swollen eyes, Gabby was still talking shit.

"It's not like he's your boyfriend or anything."

Didn't she understand that it was morally wrong to violate someone?

"He's not a ken doll you crazy bitch, you can't just undress him and touch him as you please."
My fists came down hard on her, I didn't care if her face broke-- I didn't care if she had permanent injuries.

She deserved every hit.

Mid-punch, her fist came up and hit me right in the temple.

I cringed as a wave of pain went through my head, but no way was I going down without knocking this bitch into unconsciousness.

I was so busy pummeling Gabby's face in that I didn't see Anthony until his hand came out and shielded Gabby's face.

What the fuck.

I stopped.

"Don't. You're better than tha-" His words were becoming all jumbled up, and without warning--he collapsed on the floor.

"What did you give him?"

I demanded. She flinched when I raised my fist again


"Don't fucking lie, you did something. If you don't tell me I'll take him to the hospital and have him tested, and then what happens once the officials find out?"

I leaned down to hiss in her face. (Hopefully my breath wasn't cheesy today)

"You'll get arrested."

Her expression wavered. Gabby knew her future would be completely tarnished if she had attempted rape on her record. She wasn't that dumb.

"It's just Ketamine!" She screeched.

I smashed my fist into her head one last time, having enough with hearing her voice.

She surprisingly could take a hit well, but this time she was knocked out.

"I'm taking him to the fucking hospital anyway."

Standing up and rubbing my sore temple, I noticed Anthony's crumpled form was much too close to Gabby's so I childishly dragged him a good distance away from her.

He stirred, but still he didn't regain consciousness.

I needed to hurry and get him out of here--but I had no one to call.

Grandpa would kill me, I couldn't risk going through Anthony's contacts and possibly getting him in trouble--and I was still reeling from anger so driving with Anthony wasn't a good idea.

Plus how would I even get him down the steps, I barely talked to anyone here and I'd be damned if I asked Kent. He'd probably "vroom, vroom" us down the steps and end up dropping Anthony

Finally my thoughts settled on my last resort. The king of over-protection.

My brother

He didn't pick up on the first, second, or third ring--but on the fourth, his voice filtered through the phone.

"Felicity? It's almost 3 AM, where are you?"

I disregarded the fact that he had neglected to call and check up on me himself. I wasn't holding any grudges, his voice was groggy with sleep anyway.

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