12: not in that way

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quick question: what do you guys wanna see more of in this book? like any ideas? maybe more allison&ethan moments? let me know in the comments what type of scenes you'd like to see!

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quick question: what do you guys wanna see more of in this book? like any ideas? maybe more allison&ethan moments? let me know in the comments what type of scenes you'd like to see!

also can we please get this chapter to 50 comments? :)


I CAN'T do this anymore.

I can't sit in class and be expected to focus when the only thing going through my mind is the fact that I have to see my austere father in less than a month.

When Sabrina broke the news to me over text, I almost had a mental breakdown in English class. I can tell Ethan was growing curious, to say the least, because as I sat there shaking and close to tears, he kept shooting me wondering looks. I've come to learn that it's not because Ethan cares about me; if anything he's proved to be the exact opposite. But this is because Ethan is a person that's naturally curious. He wants to know everything about everyone. Needless to say, he really does seem to fit in with the people here.

With a paper towel, I wipe my face and release a lengthy breathe as I stare myself down in the mirror. My hollow eyes stare back, and my blonde hair has become increasingly dull over time.

I'm not even sure how my father expects me to book a flight back to America with little to no income. As if he'd send me money himself. He's proven time and time again that he only cares about himself especially when it came to financial matters.

I tie my hair up into a ponytail and then leave the bathrooms. My footsteps echo throughout the empty hallways as I trudge my way begrudgingly back to Chemistry class. A groan threatens to escape my mouth as my vision is bombarded by the familiar colourful paper. With narrowed eyes, I flick my ponytail over the side of my shoulder and scan the flyer from top to bottom.

Spots are being offered to students interested in participating in the 'Romeo and Juliet' play. This play will be performed in front of the entire school at the end of Term 2.

Spots are limited and filling up quickly!

For more information, please head to the Drama Centre and talk to Miss Collins.

I emit an insolent scoff. If only I had the time or energy for that.

I resume heading back to Chemistry class. When it comes to allowing students leave the classroom, my chemistry teacher, or any teacher at this school for that matter, isn't too lenient. While this school offers beneficial privileges, it still has some strict rules set in place. In the process of heading back to class, the sound of soft cries reach my ears. I pause in the middle of the hallway and tilt my head to listen.

Not in That WayWhere stories live. Discover now