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AN: Hey, all! I'm starting this project of a college Stef and Lena story. I hope you enjoy this! Please let me know your thoughts, suggestions, concerns. Your feedback's extremely important, specially in the very beginning of a new story. Also, another chapter of Something About You is up. Check that out as well :)

 AU: Stef is a 24 year-old independent artist, and Lena is a 20 year-old college student. Lena is a dedicated student who's obsessed with her career in business, and Stef is, well, a little more careless. She likes partying, being reckless, and girls. A lot. They meet at a college party and only fate would explain this encounter.


    "I don't know, Joe. This party isn't really my scene," I said, after Joey tried to convince me to go to the devil siblings' party for the hundredth time.

    He sighed. "Okay, honey, you're not listening. This is Harry's party. I don't care about Sarah, but Harry's friend Thomas, the really hot one, is gonna be there. And you know I've been waiting weeks to ask him out."

    I laughed. "Yeah, but you chicken out every time you get close to him. And you know I can't stand Sarah."

    Honestly. Joey takes a couple of classes with Thomas and, although hot, he's a piece of trash. I could only hope Joey would see that. But, as I know my friend, he's not going to give up. He needs to get it out of his system.

    "IF I decide to go, what's in it for me?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. I'm definitely going; I've made up my mind, but I just wanted to see if I could get anything else out of this.

    Joey's smile broadened. "I'm going to clean the house for a week."

    "Jeez, that's how bad you want it? Okay, we can go!" Since we're roommates, that certainly was helpful.

    He hugged me. "You won't regret this! Plus, who knows, maybe some really hot girls will be there too. And God knows you could use some sex."

    I rolled my eyes at him. It'd been a couple months since Jen and I broke up, and I hadn't dated since then. So, who knows, maybe he was right.

    "You know, you could dress more provocatively." Joey said staring at my picked out outfit.

    "You know, you could shut up." I said in return.

    Joe laughed. "Calm down, Len, I'm just saying. Are you looking to bang tonight or what?"

    I shrugged. "I'm not. Whatever happens will happen."

    "Yeah, nothing will happen in that outfit." He said, moving towards my closet.

    Joey was, at most times, extremely intrusive and annoying, but I knew he cared and I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

    He grabbed a black skirt and a red sleeveless shirt that had a rainbow on it and showed it to me. "Now this will definitely do the trick."

    I shook my head. "You're impossible."

    "I might be impossible but I'm stylish a.f., so you might wanna take my word for it sometimes."

    "I hate you," I said, going to bathroom to change.

    "You love me!"

    After putting on a black bra that definitely made me seem more attractive underneath my almost see-through shirt, Joe and I left, heading to Sarah and Harry Davidson's party.

    Once we got there, it'd already started. The vibe was the expected: drugs and drinks everywhere. The Davidson's were filthy rich, and they made sure to throw unbelievable parties. I hardly ever went to them. Tonight, though, I was doing my friend a favor.

    "Where's Thomas? You find him, ask him out, we leave." I warn Joey.

    He grins at me. "Would you chill, woman? Here, have a drink. Or, you know, a few drinks." He handed me a cup of vodka. I downed it instantly.

    "I'm gonna mingle a little, make it all seem very casual, until I bump into him and I'll be all like 'I did not see this coming!' and it'll be great. Now, don't ruin my plan. Go find yourself a woman."

    I downed another drink and yelled at him as he walked away. "Stop saying I need a woman!"

    I walked around, grabbing a few more drinks for myself and dancing to the music. Then, I grabbed my phone to text my mom back.

    "Hey, Linda Adams, isn't it?" Sarah said, walking towards me and speaking in that annoying tone of voice that was entirely hers.

    I put my phone away and stared at her. All her friends behind her, walking as if they were all still in high school and, well, were her servants. It must really be humiliating to be friends with this girl.

    I hated her with all my guts. You see, Sarah and I, we have history. We went to the same private school together and, while my parents worked crazy hours to make sure I had the best education, she made my high school experience... not a good one. I wasn't someone with social issues or anything like that, I had plenty of friends. What she did was mock me for trying to get high scores while she didn't study and paid college student to text her the answers of the tests.

    What bothered me was how easy she had it. Everything. And just how little she cared. She knew that it bothered me, and, well, took advantage of it to humiliate me even more.

    "Hi, Sarah. Still pretending you don't know my name?" I said, imitating her tone of voice.

    She smiled. "Well, I just came to say hi, since you come into someone's party and don't even bother to say hi."

    "Hi," I said, walking away to look for Joey.

    Just as I was leaving, a random girl grabbed me by the arm and said, "Here, Lola, meet my girlfriend."

    I looked at her as she goggled her eyes in a cry for help. She wore a black leather jacket and jeans that totally matched her long blonde hair, making a beautiful contrast. "Yes, nice to meet you," I said, pretending to be her girlfriend.

    And this isn't nearly the weirdest thing that went down that night.

AN: Thoughts and opinions? What do you think will happen? Let me know in the comments!

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