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"You're falling for her..." Harry said.

I went over to his place and we were planning on having a quiet evening, just watch Netflix and catch up. But boy, could he get on my fucking nerves with this Lena situation.

"I'm not, you ass." I affirmed. "We've only been on a few dates and we haven't even had sex yet. I just wanna see how good the sex is and then I'm out." That was my plan. Intentionally. Now I wasn't so sure of that.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. It's Saturday afternoon, you've spent your entire weekend so far either with that girl or talking about that girl. You're doomed, my dear friend." Harry teased me.

"Fuck you," I said, for lack of better words, because he was honestly right. Shit.

Just as I was done attacking Harry with the couch pillow, I got a text from Lena.

What you doin? She asked.

I smiled. Nothin much sweets. U? I texted back.

I was thinking about you.. and how this waiting for sex is making me go crazy.

"Holy fuck!" I told Harry, reading Lena's text to him.

Yeah? That's all ur doing baby. The minute you call it off... just waitin on you.

One minute later: it's off. When are you gonna wine and dine me?

I gasped. What? Right now seemed like the perfect option! But I didn't wanna sound desperate, so all I said was "tonight. I'll pick u up at 8."

Can't wait to see if you're as good as you claim to be... she said.

Oh baby, you have no idea, I sent.

"Stef, look at you. You're smiling, happy, excited and nervous all at once. I can't believe this moment has finally arrived! Stef Foster - in love version."

"I am not in love with her. But I really like her, yeah, and her body, Harry... jesus fuck." I said, just thinking about Lena.

Soon enough, it was time to pick Lena up. I went over by her place and she got into the car, wearing another tight dress - did she own anything else?? This woman was driving me insane.

"Hi," she said, getting into the car. She moved to kiss my cheeks, but I turned and she got my mouth instead. She laughed a little.

"Hey, hot stuff."

"I started driving.

"So where are we headed?" Lena asked.

"You'll see," I replied. I was taking us to a lesbian bar. "Just trust me."

"Fine," she sighed.

Minutes later, we arrived at our destination. I parked the car and we went in.

"I like it here," Lena said, looking around.

I ordered us drinks - beer for me and vodka for Lena. "Been here before?"

"A couple of times, yeah. Just haven't lately because college is so overwhelming that I haven't had time," Lena said and I smiled. Satisfied that, even with college being overwhelming and everything else, she'd made time for me. And ever since we met, we've always made time for each other, which was nice. "You?"

"Ah. Yes. Not going to lie to you, I used to come here a lot. I enjoy the vibe, the drinks, the women..." I shrugged.

Lena laughed. "I bet."

Good. This was going well. Our drinks arrived at our table and I looked at Lena. She was beautiful. Fuck, maybe I was doomed. Harry could actually be right and that fact made me think of-

"Stefanie!" That voice was familiar.

I looked around and I saw Ashley, one of my exes - not ex-girlfriend, but ex-something? - waved at me from the bar as she approached our table.

"Hey, Ash, what's up?" I asked, mindful of Lena.

"Nothin' much, still single.. are you? Single too?" She asked. Jesus, right in front of Lena. But yeah, I was single.

I nodded. "Yep. That's me."

I could sense Lena staring at us while we talked. "This is Lena, by the way. Lena, Ashley."

"Nice to meet you, Lena. Are you looking to meet someone? Cause my friend Gabby just went through a breakup. She's really lookin to bang."

Lena shook her head. "No, Ashley. As nice as that'd be, I came with Stefanie tonight."

"Oh my Gosh, who would figure?! I'm sorry! Stef, give a call later, will ya? We have some catching up to do!" Ashley winked as she left us.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's fine. One of many. There's probably a whole bar here of women who are going to come say hi to you. You know, similarly." Lena was pissed off.

"Whoa, ok. What did you want me to do? She's my ex, she came to say hi."

"I just. I don't know. You're too different from me, I guess." Lena said, drinking her entire shot of vodka in front of me. Needless to say, that turned me on. She then stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

She grabbed her purse. "Dancing."

She up and left. I looked at her, determined, as she danced with the crowd, mingling and getting to know other people. I downed my drink and followed her.

"Come here, please," I grabbed Lena's arm gently and pulled her to the side of the crowd so I could talk to her.

"What?" She asked, still pissed off.

I kissed her roughly. I took her breath away. "Stop and realize something. Who did I just kiss?"

"What?" Lena asked.

"Who did I just kiss?" I repeated the question and she didn't answer. "Was it you?" Lena nodded. "Well, then. It wasn't Ashley. Could you try to focus on that?"

Lena looked away. "You're charming. But it's still really annoying and disrespectful-"

I wasn't disrespectful to you. Ashley was. And I'm not with her anymore. So there's that." I ran my fingers through Lena's hair gently, soothing her. "Or do you wanna let Ashley ruin our night? Cause I'm pretty sure that's what she came here to do."

Lena sighed.

I kissed her lips gently and we went back to the bar.

" You're a terrible dancer, by the way," Lena pointed out. Yeah, that I had to agree with her on.

"Excuse me?" I asked. "Is there anything I'm good at?"

"You're excellent at your job. And you're an excellent kisser too," Lena said, biting her bottom lip.

"Yeah?" I asked, seducing her.

Lena grabbed my neck and kissed me passionately. I felt dizzy and out of control and all I wanted to do was go home and have sex with her.

I explored her mouth as my finger moved to her dress and my hand made its way underneath her tight dress. She wasn't wearing panties. Fuck.

"Sexy," I said and Lena laughed. We tried to keep it PG because we were in a public place, but I didn't want PG. At all. "Let's get outta here, baby."

AN: thoughts?? You know what's happening next chapter...

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