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    And so it was Friday. Stef and I had texted during the entire week and I couldn't help but think I might be falling- I really didn't wanna think about that. Because Stef was a heartbreaker. It was written all over her face. Besides, Brianna? This whole thing is just exhausting.

    I know I'm 20, soon to be 21, but I am already so fed up with girls who don't know what they want from me or who just want to lead me on and get the fun part but never the commitment. And, well, all of that sounds just like Stef if I am being honest.

    I was studying with Joey when my phone buzzed. "Sorry," I said, but couldn't help but glance at it. It was a text from Stef: "i'm picking u up in 2 hours. non negotiable."

    I smiled instantly and even grinned at her text. Joey snapped me out of my own little world. "Hey! No phones at the table while we're studying. Come on, it's your rule!"

    I immediately texted her back "deal" and put my phone away. "Sorry!" And my mind just went to our date. I'd been really looking forward to this one because Stef and I were texting on a daily basis and she was so funny. Plus, we hadn't seen each other in 3 or 4 days. And it's not that I missed her, but it'd be nice to see her again? Oh God.

    "It's her, isn't it?" Joey rolled his eyes playfully and I simply nodded. "You get so silly every time I bring her up, it's sweet. Really sweet."

    "You're an ass," I concluded. "But if you must know, we only have one more hour of studying and then I'm off to get ready."

    "Where are you two going?" He asked.

    "I think we're going to the movies. I mentioned I wanted to and I think she's on board with it."

    Joey grinned widely. "Wow. You two are such a cute couple. Stef and Lena. I totally ship that. What would it be, Stelena? I love it!"

    "Honestly. One more hour, Joe," I warned. But I couldn't help but smile. I really liked that thought, I just hoped Stef did too. Eventually.

    After we resumed our studying, I got dressed casually. Just like we were dating, right? Put on a nice pair of jeans and an elegant T-shirt. I went with a light make-up, as usual, always something that suited me well. As I'd texted Stef my address, soon she arrived at my doorstep. She knocked, just like a real date, and I answered the door. Joey was showering.

    "Hey," I smiled at her.

    She smiled right back. "Hey, sweetheart. You look beautiful."

    "Thanks, so do you," I returned the compliment not only because it felt like the right thing to do but also because damn, she did. She was wearing a big hoodie and some tight pants, her hair was up but messy. It looked hot. She looked hot.

    She smiled at me and I kissed her. I wanted to. She kissed me back, and we were just like teenagers, making out at the doorstep. "Are you ready to go?" I asked.

    She nodded. "Aren't you gonna invite me in, you know, for coffee?"

    "Nope. Because if I did that, we'd be running late, wouldn't we? Let's go, woman," I said, full of iniciative as I grabbed her hand and my jacket and we left.

    And when we got to her car, I buckled up and teased her. "It's going to be a long way to the movies, isn't it."

    She laughed. "Excuse me. I'll have you know that the next comment you make about my driving, you're gonna get it."

    "Ohh, is that a threat or a promise?" I asked, winking at her.

    "Fuck, Lena Adams. You're really something else," she said driving past a red light.

    "Stef, you literally just-"

    "I didn't see it. Sorry, I really didn't!"

    I shook my head. "You're gonna get us killed."

    She grinned. "I got distracted with you here. It won't happen again."

    I smiled. She put some music on and we made it to the movie theater safely. I applied my chapstick again before leaving the car and I could feel Stef's eyes on me.

    We went in and bought the tickets. I said I'd pay for it because Stef had already paid for lunch the other day. She let me, but she went and bought the popcorn for us anyway.

    "So, what's the deal with this movie?" She asked as we went inside.

    I shrugged. "It's a romantic comedy. Sorry, I'm lame like that," I affirmed as Stef and I found our seats.

    Stef grinned at me. "I knew you were into romantic comedy. It's fine, baby. I honestly don't give a shit."

    I laughed. "Just when I thought you were being romantic..."

    Stef started eating the popcorn while we waited for the movie, the previews still going on. "I can be romantic."

    "I know," I said, sincerely. Because yes, she was pretty romantic at times and that almost made me forget what a player she was. I looked at her, lingered my eyes on hers and she did the same.

    She leaned in and kissed me softly, touching my neck with her hand and bringing me closer. Just then, the lights went off and the movie started.

    We watched the movie and I laughed at times. Stef wasn't watching the movie so much as she was watching me instead. I would eventually look at her and we'd kiss, but very quickly. I honestly really enjoyed the movie. At some point, though, Stef put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

    When the movie ended, I called Stef. "Stef. The movie's over. Let's go."

    "What?" She asked, opening her eyes and pulling away. "Shit, sorry, Lena. It's just that you're so soft to sleep on," she winked at me.

    I laughed. "Very funny. Let's go, woman. You still have to drop me off."

    "You're not going to invite me to your place?" She asked as we left the movie theater.

    "I guess I could think about that," I said, sighing. Stef kissed me softly and we headed to my place.

AN: how do you like this so far?

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