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AN: Thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting this new project. It means a lot for me to have your feedback and ongoing support. Thank you so so much. 


     "Thanks, you're a life saver," I said, lighting up a cigarette. 

     She looked puzzled at me. "Okay. How did I save your life exactly?" I listened to her for the first time without actually freaking out. The entire time my ex was with us, I was just trying to get away from her and fake total intimacy fake total intimacy with this girl I'd literallyjust met. So, yes, one could say I shitting my pants the entire time – not literallythough. But yes, her voice was... unique. Soft, calm, without a care in theworld. Zen. I'd like to hear that voice more. Maybe it'd help me calm down. 

     I laughed, relieved. "Well, that was my ex. She can be... a little much. And, to avoid an awkward situation, I pretended I had a girlfriend."  Which is weird and immature for anybody who doesn't know Lola. She is the weird and immature one for making me go through everything I went through a few years ago, putting me through pain and suffering while abusing me psychologically. 

     She laughed. "You used me. That's a low blow. You don't even know my name, yet, you used me... I'm a little shocked."

     I laughed, taking a puff of my cigarette. "True. I'm Stef Foster, and you are...?" I said, shaking her hand.

     "Lena Adams," she said, smiling at me. That certainly is a cute face attached to a hot body. Cute? Scratch that. Equally hot. I loved womenwith a nice jawline. It might be weird but that did it for me.

     "So, yes, Lena Adams, I used you. But I can get you a drink to make up for it...?" I said, suggestively.

     She smiled. "That's a start."

     I grabbed her a cup of beer. "Here you go."

     "Thanks, but that's a failed attempt. I don't drink beer." I should've figured. 

     I put it back. "Sodas then?"

     "God, no. I do enjoy the occasional vodka. If you could get me some of that, that'd be great." Vodka, huh? She didn't seem like the type that would drink such strong drinks. I was unsure if she drank at all.

     "Here you go, Lena Adams. Am I forgiven?" I said, handing her a shot of vodka.

     She downed it all in front of me, which was certainly hot. Her shirt went up a bit and I could see some of her body, along with that black skirt...

     "Not even close to it. But it's a good start." Jesus fucking Christ.

     I took another puff of my cigarette. "You're a hard woman to please." She has no clue how much I'd enjoy pleasing her right now...

     She smiled and looked away from me a bit, very seductively. "Much easier than you think." Fuckkk.

     I smiled in return and put my cigarette out.

     "You know, that stuff's gonna kill you." Lena said, pointing to my cigarette.

     "That's the hope," I say, smiling one more time and walking away from her to grab myself a beer.

     "So, how do you know Sarah?" She said, assuming I was friends with Sarah and not Harry. 

     I shook my head. "She's my friend's sister, that's how. I wouldn't be friends with that bitch."

     "She really is a bitch," Lena said laughing. Yes, Lena, yes! Finally somebody in this party that didn't give a shit about Sarah. She was close to the worst human being I've ever met in my life, losing only to my mother. But, then again, even Sarah was better than that piece of trash.

     "Good thing we're on the same page. You Harry's friend then?" I asked.

     "I'm not exactly their friend... I'm here to help out a friend." She says shyly.

     I drink a sip of my beer. "Ah, we've got ourselves a gatekeeper..." This keeps getting hotter and hotter! I couldn't believe she had such a great sense of adventure; she just seemed so... innocent.

     "Well, actually-"

      "I do love a good gatekeeper. Every good party needs gatekeepers, right? Don't worry, I won't tell on you." I winked at her.

     "It's the least you could do after using me," She said in return. Well, isn't this girl quite interesting.

     I threw my hands up in the air, "Fair enough."

     "So, what's your major in?" She asked leaning a little closer to me. Damn, this girl's flirting game was strong. And here I was thinking I was the best. 

     "Ah, let's not talk about these boring things." Two can play this game. Telling a nerd - cute nerd, hot nerd, but nerd nonetheless - that I didn't go to college... Nah, I wouldn't wanna ruin my chances with her this quickly. 

     She shrugged. "Fine. How long have you been friends with Harry?" 

     "As long as I can remember. He's my best friend," I say. Truth is Harry is a big friend, and being neighbors, I've seen that in him since I was little.. He's helped me through so much, especially things related to my mother, besides being the funniest and most incredible guy I've ever known. It's a shame he has such a bitchy sister, but being around him definitely makes up for her being annoying.  

     She put her hair up in a ponytail right there, in front of me, and... I don't know which Lena I like better, the one with the hair down or hair up. Except now her neck's exposed and that shit's turning me on.

     "I see. Well, I knew him from high school. Harry and Sarah, of course. But you definitely didn't go there." She said. Flirt game strong a.f. 

     "I did, actually," I said. "Just a little before you did. I'm a little older than you." I didn't mean to sound like I was that much older, but there was a 4 year difference between us or something like that if she'd been classmates with the twins.


     "Yes, really. I-" As I was about to explain everything, I got interrupted by someone.

     "Hey!" Brianna, who is probably jealous watching Lena and I from a distance, comes in and kisses me. "You ready to go?" Brianna could not be more inconvenient. She and I were always fighting because she wanted a serious relationship - even though she acted cool in front of everyone and gave speeches about not being monogamous - and I definitely didn't. So we'd often break up, get back together, etc. She had this annoying way of interrupting me when I was coming onto a girl, that truly upset me. She wanted to claim me.

    I shook my head. "Brianna, Lena. Lena, Brianna."

     "Hi, how's it going?" She asks.

     "Good," Lena answers calmly, but I can tell she's a little taken aback by Brianna's presence. Believe me, Lena, so am I. 


     "Let's go," I grab Brianna by the hand and we go upstairs. 

AN: So... comments? What do you think will happen next? How do you like this so far? Thanks for your continuous support, guys! It means a lot to me.

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