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    "I'm home," I texted Stef after I got home the next day. I was exhausted and not at all in the mood for sex; I just wanted to relax. But, if that's what she wanted to do, maybe her being here would cheer me up.

    Stef immediately texted back. "On my way," and I smiled at that. Yes, I was exhausted. This day had been completely enfuriating, especially after I got into a fight with one of my classmates over some stupid paper we were writing together. The worse of it all is, I'd had a fight with one of my closest friends.

    I sighed as I took my shoes off and laid on my bed, completely careless and simply trying to process all that was happening. Stef and I had bonded more than we'd ever bonded before. I didn't know how long this was going to last, though. I had no idea. Either way, I wanted to enjoy it while I could, because I really felt happy in these moments.

    Sooner than I'd expected, I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. I found Stef on the other side, immediately kissing me.

    I could smell the alcohol on her. "Are you... drunk?"

    "No," she laughed. "I'm not drunk. I had a few drinks, but I'm fine."

    Oh well. Just what I needed.

    I let her in and grabbed her some water from the fridge, handing it to her.

    "I'm fine, thanks." She shook her head.

    I shook my head. "If you want to spend the night here, sober the fuck up." I stood up from the chair and left her alone with the water bottle.

    She wasn't really drunk. Maybe she was a bit tipsy, but I certainly couldn't handle either of these things at the moment.

    "Hey, what's the matter?" Stef asked, already drinking some water and in a soft tone.

    I shook my head. "I'm exhausted. So I'm less patient than I normally am. It's nothing."

    "If you say so," she said.

    "How did it go with your mom?" I asked.

    Stef shook her head. "No biggie. It's nothing."

    I sighed. "Right."

    "She, uh, has a problem with my staying here. She thinks I'm just messing around and not being serious about my life or my career and all that. But it's not like she has any right to say anything, she left me and my dad miserable when I was 9." She shrugged.

    I nodded, but didn't ask for further details. It felt good enough that she was opening up to me to this point. "I see."

    "Joey here?" She asked, grabbing a cigarette from her pocket.

    I shook my head. "He has a date."

    Stef lit her cigarette and blew the smoke out of her mouth. "And what's got you so upset?"

    I shook my head. "I had a fight with a friend over a college assignment that we were supposed to do in pairs. It was awful and I feel like I was a bitch to her."

    "Pff, I can't picture that." Stef said, taking a long drag.

    "What?" I asked, confused.

    She smiled. "You being a bitch to anyone."

    I laughed. "Yeah, right. It doesn't happen often, but when it does... In fact, I was kinda bitchy with you just now. Sorry."

    Stef laughed. "Yeah, well. Thanks."

    "What do you want to do?" I asked Stef.

    "You mean you don't have an evening planned for us? I am disappointed." She said ironically.

    I smiled at her tone as I watched her take another drag at her cigarette. I came closer and we sat together on the couch. "I guess you'll just have to find a girl who plans evenings for you, because that's just not me."

    She smiled and she looked so sexy. I couldn't even focus sometimes. "But the girl I want is here."

    We connected. Our eyes were focused on each other and I kissed her. Stef had these things, I was beginning to notice, these moments where she was the most romantic woman in the world. Quite the charmer.

    We broke away from the kiss and Stef threw her cigarette out, stared at me and grabbed my hand. "I think we should turn this into something more serious."

    I looked at her and shook my head. She couldn't possibly want this. And now? What made her realize this all of a sudden? She was definitely drunk. "You're drunk."

    "I'm not. I wasn't when I got here and I'm not now. Lena, will you be my girlfriend and all that?"

    I laughed at the proposal. She tried to keep it casual but she seemed a bit nervous, which was cute. Like she couldn't already tell I was falling for her. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend and all that."

    Stef smiled and kissed me hard, right there on the couch, taking my shirt off and suddenly I was in the mood for sex. She started biting my neck softly and I started removing her plaid shirt. 

    "Are you sure you didn't have this evening planned?" She asked and I laughed against her chest.

    We resumed our love-making and, a couple of hours later, there we were, sitting comfortably naked on the couch watching some dumb show that was on. We ended up falling asleep since we were both exhausted.

    Much to our surprise, though, early in the morning on the next day, we woke up to a man screaming. Joey. "Fuck, Lena!"

    I stood up completely embarrassed and immediately apologized to Joey. "I'm sorry!" I picked up mine and Stef's clothes from the floor and woke her up. "Stef, get up!"

    We ran to my bedroom while I heard Joey laughing out loud from the living room. "God, I'm so embarrassed." I said, putting my clothes back on and watching Stef stare at me.

    "What do you have to be embarrassed about? With a body like that, it's a crime you don't walk around naked everywhere." She flirted. And I loved it. And I was beginning to think it was for me only. Like she only had eyes for me.

    I smirked. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

    She shook her head, watching me get dressed. "I wouldn't, actually. Not now that you're mine."

    "Jesus, who would think of you as such a cheesy girlfriend?" I smiled, sitting in bed next to her.

    "Who would think of me as somebody's girlfriend? But here I am," Stef affirmed, kissing me and biting on my bottom lip when we pulled away.

    "I love it when you do that." I mentioned, kissing her.

    Stef did it again, trying to take my shorts off at the same time. "I don't know why you bothered putting your clothes back on."

    "You could use a challenge," I winked at her while she took my panties off.

    AN: I missed writing this story... I also missed reading your comments!

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