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Warning: drug use

Stef's POV

I looked at Lena as she left my place and closed the door. Fuck. What in the fuck? That was so mean of her to do. Not that I hadn't done it to other girls to tease them, but still, I never had that done to me!

As I was still thinking about what had just happened, I got a phone call from Harry. I decided to pick up so I could vent my frustration. "What's up?"

"Nothing. What were you doing? You sound breathless. Oh fuck did I just interrupt sex?"
He asked, worried.

"God no, you think I'd pick up the phone if I was having sex? Please, honey. Though I wish that was the case. Lena was here-"

"You already fucked her? Man you're fast. I wanna be you someday, you know that?" He said, laughing.

"No, you jerk. She was here but she got me all worked up and turned on and left. Like, who does that?!" I said, frustrated.

Harry laughed. "Gee, I don't know. That sounds like your M.O."

"Don't fuck with me, you ass. I'm frustrated. I need to come up with a plan to make her pay for it." I said, lighting a cigarette.

"Anyways, I think you'd feel better if you came here and we watched TV and smoked."

"Already smoking, Harry," I said, still pissed.

"No, you idiot, smoke weed. Jeez, you're slow today. She really did a number on you, huh?" He teased me.

I took a puff of my cigarette. "Fuck you. I'll be there in 20," I hung up the phone and took a quick - cold - shower.

I wore sweatpants and a comfortable T-shirt. God knows after everything I'd been through I deserved to feel comfortable. I drove to Harry's and he opened the door for me, laughing and pointing at me.

"Asshole," I said, punching his abs and making my way through.

He laughed histerically. "You love me."

"I just came here for the weed," I said, sitting on his couch casually.

Harry continued to stare at me, "before we move past this subject, can you tell me exactly what happened?"

"You're outta your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna tell you how I have sex," I huffed.

"Shit, you're aggressive today. I just mean, when did she stop? And why? What the fuck happened?" He said, grabbing a joint from his pocket and lighting it.

I shook my head. "She seems innocent, Harry, but she's anything but that."

He took the first puff of the joint and handed it to me. "Your parents home?" I asked, making sure they weren't. Even though Harry's parents were super open minded and always knew Harry and I smoked weed, they sure didn't wanna be around to smell it. They'd always let Harry smoke outside, but never inside their house. However, when they weren't home, Harry and I felt free to do it.

"Nope. Pussy," he said, mocking me.

I took a puff. "I respect your parents, you ass." I said.

"Get to the story, Stefanie!" He urged, realizing I'd been stalling him.

"Fine," I took another puff and handed it back to him. "We went out for coffee at Starbucks, and she was 25 minutes late."

"Holy shit, I'm impressed," he said, taking a puff.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't stop there. At some point we started making out, and headed to my place, and made out some more. And then she started fingering me... and just stopped." I took the joint from his hand and took a long puff.

"I love her. I just. Love. Her. I mean, that's amazing. Poor you, though." Harry laughed.

"Yeah, mock me all you want. I hope you find yourself a girl that leaves you high and dry too." I took another puff of the joint.

"If she's as hot as Lena, I do too." He said.

"That's a good point. She could be a model. I mean, I wanna take pics of her, you know? But she's deffensive about it," I took another puff.

"Give me that, you need to learn to share," he grabbed the joint from me.

I started laughing. "Trust me, I need this way more than you do right now."

He laughed, smoking. "I didn't think she'd be this... wild. You know, from high school."

I shook my head. "You know what they say, the good girls are always the worst ones."

"Do you have a plan yet?" He asked, handing me the joint.

I shook my head, taking a long puff. "Not yet, but I'm gonna make her pay for it. Trust me, it'll be good."

Harry then started telling me about a girl he started talking to on Tinder and how he planned to meet her this week. We talked about her some, watched TV, ate everything he had in the house, and I decided to leave.

"Thanks, homie, you always show me a good time," I said, my high starting to wear off.

Harry looked me in the eye. "I love you, friend. Be careful, kay? You crazy-ass driver."

"She told me that too," I said, laughing.

"That you're a crazy driver?" He asked and I nodded. "Stef, when you start to accept that, it'll be a lot easier for you. Text me when you get home, kay?"

I hugged him. "Thanks for helping me vent, Harry."

"Any time. When Lena leaves you high and dry again, just know you can always come smoke a joint with me," he winked at me.

I gave him the finger and left, heading toward my car. It was already midnight when I got a text from Lena - yes, we'd swapped numbers in the middle of all that craziness.

"What u up to?" Fuck. What should I answer.

"Not much. You?" I asked. I tried to act cool, but I was fucking pissed.

"Sorry to leave you at that... state. But I don't break my rules," she texted.

"Right. Me neither," I said, determined to make her pay for what she did. She didn't break her rules and neither did I - whoever did that to me had to pay.

"Wanna grab lunch tomorrow?" She asked.

"Can't. Working all day." I replied.

"What about dinner?"

"Deal," I texted, and then started driving home.

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