7 (v) - Jadine

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--- JADINE ---

Jadine fully expected Sherri to turn them away, yet here they all were (minus Olivia, obviously) sat in Sherri's lounge, waiting for Sherri to grace them with her presence.

"What if she hates us?" whispered Rhian.

"Why would she hate us?" asked Jadine. "We didn't know about Olivia and James."

"Well, I had my suspicions," said Molly.

"We all knew she fancied him," said Amy blithely. "But then so do half the women in the country,"

"But what if she hates us for going behind her back last night by singing Melody Vibe?" asked Rhian.

"She should be thanking us," said Jadine. "That was the only track that was half decent!"

"And Burn," said Sherri, as she appeared in the doorway. "I take my hat off to you girls. I should have listened to you."

"Sorry," said Molly. "We didn't know you were there."

"You've nothing to be sorry for," said Sherri. She was pale and looked as though she hadn't slept all night. She crossed to her usual chair and delicately sat down.

"I thought you all did very well last night," said Sherri. "Considering the circumstances."

The girls shared a look. Jadine was itching to ask Sherri what Glenn Davies had said about them. Whether he or any of the other record companies wanted to take them on, but she knew it would be bad form considering the circumstances and she forced herself to bite her tongue.

"How are you feeling?" asked Molly.

Jadine knew they could always count on Molly to say the right thing.

"I've been better," said Sherri, attempting a small smile. "But you didn't come here to talk about me. You're all desperate to know what Glenn Davies thought."

Jadine tried not to look too keen, but inside she felt like a five year old dying to go downstairs on Christmas morning.

"Well, he loved Melody Vibe," said Sherri. "He thought it was fresh, pacey and bang on trend."

Jadine felt her heart burst with pride - wait until she told Lyric! It had taken some major persuading to get him to help them with the track. In fact after what he considered an all-out humiliating defeat at the rap battle against Psylence, Lyric was considering giving up music altogether! But Jadine had convinced him to get back in the scene by producing Melody Vibe.

He'd reluctantly agreed to hear them sing it, obviously thinking it would be insipid girly-pop, but Jadine could tell he'd been impressed, and better still - inspired! They'd stayed up all night at Lyric's, recording the song and he'd spent a couple of days mixing a full version, plus a backing track for them to perform to at the showcase. When Jadine had played it to the girls and Lena they'd all been in agreement - it had to go in the showcase. Jadine knew that she owed Lyric big time. But if working on the track got him back into music, maybe that was payment enough.

"So if Glenn Davies likes Melody Vibe," ventured Amy. "Does that mean he wants to sign us?"

Jadine looked across at Sherri's downcast face and could guess what was coming next.

"Unfortunately he wasn't keen on the rest of the set," continued Sherri.

"But he could see we had potential, right?" asked Jadine.

"Yes," said Sherri.

"So he's going to take us on?" asked Rhian excitedly.

"No," said Sherri.

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