13 (iv) - Molly

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--- MOLLY ---

The girls settled down for their interview – minus Rhian, who Lena was desperately searching for.  Molly felt dreadful.  She’d only left Rhian for a few moments, but it was why she’d done it that was making her feel so bad. 

She’d been on the phone to Derren.

He’d texted her earlier in the day wishing her luck.  She’d ignored it at first, but later Derren had started to play on her mind, so in a moment of weakness she’d texted back to say thanks.  It was the worst thing she could have done – he immediately called her back and kept calling until Molly felt she had no choice to answer.

While she left Rhian to go over some affirmations, Molly had stepped outside the VIP tent to answer Derren’s call.

“Derren, stop calling me!” said Molly.  “I can’t talk to you.”

“Then why did you answer?” teased Derren.

“Because you keep calling me!”

“I just wanted to say good luck,” said Derren. 

“Fine, you’ve said it.  Now goodbye.”

“And to let you know I was thinking of you,” rushed Derren.

Molly didn’t know what to say.  She could hardly admit that she thought about him too.  Every day.  But every day she’d remind herself that her friendship with Amy and the band were far more important.  The whole experience with Georgia had taught her that sisterhood was more important than anything else.  Her and Georgia were only just starting to rebuild their relationship but Molly feared they’d never regain the tight bond they’d once shared.

“Look, I’ve got to go,” said Molly.

“I know,” said Derren.  “Knock ‘em dead.  You’ll be amazing.  You always are.”

With that Derren hung up.  Molly took a deep breath and headed back to where she’d left Rhian – but she wasn’t there.  Molly looked all round the VIP tent, in the toilets and even walked around the Festival grounds to scour the audience.  No Rhian.

So here they were about to conduct their first ever TV interview followed by the biggest gig of their career, with one fifth of their band missing.

“We can’t wait much longer,” said Rashida Moran, the stunningly gorgeous MTV presenter.  She was super friendly, had instantly put them all at ease and had assured them that she’d go easy on them.

“She’s here, she’s here,” yelled Lena, pushing Rhian forward to the fuchsia pink sofa that had been plonked backstage for interviews.

Molly breathed a sigh of relief.  As the girls budged up to make room for Rhian, Molly leaned across and grabbed her hand. 

“Where did you go?”

“To the toilet,” hiccupped Rhian.

More like the bar, thought Molly, sharing a look with the other girls, who’d clocked the same thing.  But before they knew it their interview was underway.

“Hey it’s Melody 5,” cheered Rashida Moran.  “How you all doing?”




“Are you excited about performing here today?”

“Totally,” said Jadine.  “We can’t wait to share our music with everyone.”

“And how does it feel to also be listed as one of MTV’s Hottest Top 10 Unsigned Acts?”

“It’s fantastic,” said Amy.  “It’s such an honour that our music’s being recognised. 

“Yeah, we’ve worked really hard,” added Molly. 

“So Rhian, what was it like working with bad boy rapper - Psylence.  He’s sooo hot, right?”

Molly saw Rhian blanche and wondered if she should step in, but somehow Rhian found her voice. 

“It was cool, but I prefer working with the girls.”

Rashida leaned forward in a mock conspiratorial manner. “Rumour has it Rhian’s video inspired the rest of you to take pole dancing classes – is that right?”

“No,” said Jadine.  “We’re definitely more about the music than the moves.”

“So Rhian, you’ll be keeping your clothes on today?” asked Rashida with mock innocence.

This was clearly a step too far for Rhian.  Molly saw her eyes go blank.

“We all will,” smiled Molly.  “After all, it’s October right?  I’m so cold, I’m wearing thermal pants!”

Everyone laughed and Rashida moved on.

“Now Kat, you’ve been described as the Plain Jane of the group – does that bother you?”

Was this woman for real?  What had happened to going easy on them?

“I’m just happy to be making music,” stumbled Kat.

“We all think Kat is gorgeous,” said Molly. 

“And she’s an amazing musician,” added Jadine.  “And at the end of day, our music is the most important thing.”

“Although some might say that actually the most important thing is… what’s it like to date Jake Miskew?” screeched Rashida  “Amy?  Care to share?”

Amy smiled and tossed her glossy mahogany hair.  “Rashida, you know a girl can’t talk about such things!”

“But Jake seems pr-et-ty serious,” cooed Rashida.  “He hasn’t been snapped with the same girl more than once for over a year!”

“Let’s just say, it’s early days and we’re enjoying each other’s company,” smiled Amy.

“Well, we’ve got a special surprise for you, Amy,” said Rashida.  “Please come and join us – Jake Miskew!”

All the girls were shocked as Jake appeared from behind the camera and ambled over to join them on the sofa.

“Hey babe,” smiled Jake laconically, as he squeezed himself in between Amy and Jadine. 

“Jake!” said Amy, a rictus smile plastered onto her face.  “What are you doing here?”

“Told you I had a surprise for you, babe!”

Molly could tell that Jadine was not impressed that their debut interview had been highjacked by Jake Miskew – but there was nothing they could do about it.

“I just wanted to wish you luck in person, babe,” said Jake.  “And let you know that after the gig I’ll be whisking you away in a private jet for a romantic weekend in Paris!”

Molly was impressed that Amy could almost choke, yet still maintain a perfect smile.

“Awww, how romantic,” cooed Rashida.  “Send us all a postcard.  That’s if you’re not too busy,” she added with a knowing wink.

“Sure thing, Rashida,” smiled Amy.

Rashida Moran turned to camera.  “Join me again after the break, when I’ll be interviewing another one of MTV hottest unsigned acts appearing at the Soundscaper Rising Stars Festival today – but these guys don’t have any celebrity connections or hot boyfriends, The Skinflynns are just about the music.”

Molly could see Jadine about to interject when the producer yelled, “And we’re off air!”

Melody 5 - Rising StarsWhere stories live. Discover now