
5.5K 36 27

Name: Y/N L/N

Nickname: N/N

Age: 26

Hometown: Your hometown in your homestate/country


Hair color: H/C

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Hair color: H/C

Skin color: S/C

Eye color: E/C


Scars: several small cuts all over your arms, a cut right under your neck

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Scars: several small cuts all over your arms, a cut right under your neck

Tattoos: None

Personality: Calm, friendly, slightly introverted, protective, knowledgeable, smart, witty, helpful(<- positive traits)

Hothead, easily angered, cruel, brutal, ignorant at times, harsh, loud(<- negative traits)

Wrestling Outfit


Boots(with kickpads):

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Boots(with kickpads):

Boots(with kickpads):

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Entrance Jacket:

Entrance Jacket:

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Character: Your character is very disturbing. You always try something different to scare or confuse the crowd and intimidate your enemies. It's difficult to decipher what you're gonna do next. Maybe you'll decent from the rafters like Sting, maybe you'll break out from a cage or a casket. Nobody knows, but when you get your hands on someone, they're in for a world of pain. Some people even question your sanity and may worry about you, but you always tell them you're fine, because you are.

Signature Move 1:

Signature Move 2:

Finisher 1:

Finisher 2:

Entrance Theme:


About Taynara Conti

Real Name: Taynara Melo de Carvalho

Age: 23

Birthday: June 9th 1995


She has a black belt in Judo and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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She has a black belt in Judo and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Taynara is the first brazilian woman to join the WWE.

Her Finisher: 

Her Entrance Theme:


That's all I can give you for the moment, ladies and gentlemen. I know, I know: another story in such a short time, but bare with me. I have a lot in store for this and I can see that some of it will leave you rather amused, other things may shock or disturb you.

Leave a like and maybe a comment if you like.

Have fun reading.


Watching Over Me (Male Reader X Taynara Conti)Where stories live. Discover now