Brand New Start

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The time has come. The weekend has arrived and Taynara has been more than just excited to see her parents again. Ever since she has joined NXT, the young woman has fewer chances to meet the people who made her who she is today and so on this day, you're gonna have to make a good first impression. Now being a gentleman is your specialty, but you don't know what Mr. and Mrs. de Carvalho will think of you. You being nervous is an understatement as your thoughts run wild while you wait at the airport for the people who raised your beautiful girlfriend. It has also caused you to sleep a bit less the last few days while you tried to pick out a godd outfit and a nice hairstyle, but that was harder than you imagined. You don't know, if Tay's parents watch wrestling, but if they do, they probably have seen you on tv or online somewhere. A bit jittery, you walk over to a row of seats where Taynara is sitting as well, still all bubbly and happy  to welcome two of the most important humans in her life.

Taynara:" I can't believe they're almost here, Y/N. They will love you, I swear. You just have to be yourself and everything will go as smooth as butter."

Y/N:" Easy for you to say. I'm completely and utterly nervous right now. What if they don't like the way I look? What if they don't like the way I talk?...What if they don't like that I'm from the states? They could have something against U.S. citizens for all I know."

Taynara:" Don't be ridiculious. My parents get along with everyone, no matter where they're from or how they look and talk. They don't even care that you're not religious and your past doesn't bother them either. Relax, take a deep breath and don't think about what could go wrong. Think about the good time we're gonna have with them."

Y/N:" You're right. I should focuss more on having fun while talking with your parents. I mean it couldn't be that bad in the end."

Taynara nods and then holds your hand in hers while you wait for the two to arrive. You have talked about the whole thing quite a lot and settled to spend the whole weekend wth them, going out fot dinner, enjoying some music and discuss the future. Planning ahead is a big deal and ever since you new the day would come, you have dreamed about several scenarios that could play out. It was a big mix of emotions running through you while you were trying to exercise or even just cook a simple meal. Even in the evening when you and Tay were cuddling on the couch, your mind drifted off to today and further. And these thoughts are interrupted by an excited squeal from Taynara who is happily jogging towards the two older people. (I have to make up their looks, since I have no pictures of Taynara's parents. Also I'm gonna use some other names, since I don't know what their real names are.)

Her father is slightly smaller than you, sporting a bit of already grey hair on his head. His eyes are brown, just like the ones of his daughter, and his skin is slightly tanned as well. The posture he displayes shows you that he cares deeply about the safety of the family as he scans the airport after breaking the hug.

Tay's mother on the other hand has light brown hair, also brown eyes and olive skin. She looks a bit more friendly and welcoming than her husband, but you never know what she really is like until her true self unfolds.

Taynara:" Mom, Dad, I'm so glad you're here. I couldn't be happier than to finally have some time with the both of you. How was the flight? Are you hungry? Tired? Maybe you want something to drink?"

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