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"I suggest you two start speaking."
"Fine. Amaya was talking about how she didn't understand why I was so upset and I got angry and pushed her. So she hit me back."
"Is this true Amaya?"
"Yes, it's my fault. I was just trying to annoy her."
"Both Of you were in the wrong. I appreciate you two explaining the situation, but that doesn't change the fact that your behavior was extremely inappropriate. You guys know that isn't okay!" I looked at Dad and he sighed.
"Allison, I'm holding this phone until further notice. Amaya, same goes for your tablet. Understood?"
"Yes Dad." We both said quietly.
Alone Time With Allie (Mariska's Perspective)
"Can you at least talk to me?" I said, quietly to my daughter. She didn't answer and looked over at the ocean.
"Allison, are you upset that we took your phone?"
"No, you don't know."
"So then tell me. So that I can know."
"I think something's wrong with me Mama."
"Like what honey?"
"I threw up today a lot and the pains were worse than the other day."
"I think we need to take you to the doctor."
"No, it's okay. I don't need a doctor. I'll just get better eventually you know?"
"Allie, something could be really wrong with you. You know that right?"
"Maybe I'm just sick."
"It could be more than that. Why are you being so difficult?" Her eyes started to water and she turned away again.
"I really don't like doctors Mama. Please don't make me go." She started to cry and let her lay in my lap.
"Why are you afraid? You can tell me baby."
"It's so embarrassing. I don't want to talk about it Mom."
"Oh honey, you know by now that I will never judge you."
"I know that, but it's just hard for me sometimes. I mean yeah, I'm better at speaking about things now but some things are just too hard for me. I'm not ready."
"But you know that, you do have to go to see a doctor at some point again. I will be by your side the whole time. I promise honey." I dried off her face and handed her some water.
"I can't breathe."
"Honey, honey. Deep breaths." She cried harder and I tried my hardest to help her calm down.
"Deep breaths. Deep breaths." Her face was flushed and her eyes were red.
"I'm not going to let anything happen."
"But after the crash, the swabbed me."
"Shhhh, it's okay. It's okay."
"I don't want to be swabbed again like that. I hate it."
"It won't happen again, I promise."
Rome, Italy (Allie's Perspective)
"What is that?!" I asked curiously.
"Oysters." I made a face and looked back down at the menu.
"Oysters are really good Allie!" Amaya said. I totally knew that because when Amaya was younger I'd watch her eat them off of Mama's plate. It was actually gross! Disgusting!
"Try it, you might like it hun." Daddy said.
"Daddy, it scares me. For the safety of me and everyone else at this table I can absolutely not eat them!"
"You're such a drama queen." August stated.
"I just don't want to make myself sick. I'll stick with chicken for today Dad."
"I'll go for some salmon. It seems good. Look at that Allison." He showed me the description and I raised my eyebrows.
"You can eat off me if you want." I smiled and Mama laughed.
"I want to take a picture. Come here girls."
"Hey, that's so embarrassing!" Amaya said.
"You're going to miss these days, trust me. Get over here you two." I went over and took an all girls photo with Mama so she could be happy. Something about her is that she loves taking photos. She'll take photos of so many things that it's literally crazy! Flowers, the sky, shoes, random objects. I wonder how much storage she had left on her phone.
"Mama, I don't want to be here anymore." Andrew whined. He's been really whiny today. Usually he isn't like that.
"Andy, are you not hungry?"
"I just don't want to be here!" He said angrily.
"Let's go on a walk Andrew." Daddy said.
"Let's go buddy." He got up angrily and they walked away.
"Hope he's okay." I said.
"He's just a crybaby."
"August, you're so mean to him." Amaya said.
"August, don't make me take away your phone too." He rolled his eyes and I shook my head. Weird child to be honest with ya. And now he has this beard coming in and stuff like that. He's becoming a "man" same as I'm becoming a "woman." That's what Dad had said.
"Mama, I'm getting hungry, can we please order already?"
"Okay," she started speaking Italian and she completely lost me from there. I only understand German, I'm not sure Italian is my strong point.
"How can you speak such a confusing language?"
"Well Allison, if you really listen to it it's not as complicated as you think it is. Want me to teach you?" I shrugged and my Mom watched me eat.
"Try an oyster."
"Nope." She one on my plate anyways and I just stared at it.
"Mama, I'm totally not eating that."
"You totally are! Open your mouth!" Amaya said.
"No way!"
Downtown LA (Joshua's Perspective)
"It's so hot out here."
"Welcome to LA." I didn't say anything to my annoying brother and kept walking down.
"I need some new fortnite skins bruh,"
"Fortnite is lame little bro, play PUBG."
"I'm not into that crap."
Allison: Hey Josh!
Allison: jOshY!"
Allison: 🥵🥵🥵🥵
I laughed and replied to her.
Me: Why so thirsty?
Allison: you're so nEgaTive! But like what are you doing? I'm super bored.
Me: Downtown with the bro
Allison: I already know it isn't going well
"Now you see this is just for me!" He looked at the Gucci shoes and I wasn't having it.
"Dad said you're not allowed to make any more big purchases for the rest of the month."
"Who cares, ima get this for myself."
"He's going to be so mad with you later."
"Too bad, the old man thought he could really control me." I rolled my eyes at my brother and looked at them.
"Get yourself one while we're in the Gucci store."
"No thanks, I'd rather get my Gucci products the right way. Asking and earning, clearly you don't know what that means."
"You're so uptight my dude, lighten up goddamn it." As we drove home afterwards I still didn't feel happy. LA is not my home and it will never be my home. NYC is my home. That's where I want to be.
"You need to make some friends or something. You're literally such a loner."
"Can you not?"
My Bed (Amaya's Perspective)
I was ready to go home. We've been away too long. One more week Mama says. Just one more week.
"Sometimes if you close your eyes you can see weird things."
"Everyone can see that."
"Sometimes when you flash a bright light the weird blue things follow you for a very long time."
"Once again, it's an Everyone kinda thing. Are you okay?" My older sister asked.
"I'm okay."
"You don't usually say things like that. What's up?"
"I'm okay. I'm just really tired."
"You sure?" My eyes watered and I nodded.
"Dell is gonna stay here with you when we go out."
"Cool." I feel so homesick. When everyone left I sat and cried. I really wanna go home, Italy isn't my home. New York is.

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