02| D I S A P P E A R . . . R E - A P P E A R

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[I know I was supposed to update tomorrow since it's Tuesday today but I couldn't resist..also did anyone notice in the description thing, I put food side instead of good side?No?Okay]

SHE FELT LIKE she was floating in space.She was in a large spaceship thing, filled with other people, who she assumed was in the battle against Thanos.
She was confused and irritated, 'why has everyone I've trusted just ignored my presence and never told me?'

The Avengers knew.Thanos and Voldemort knew.Why not her?


Wanda Maximoff.A young 16 and a half year old girl.A witch in wizards eyes, an Avenger, in the muggles eyes.No one knew why Wanda was puzzled and shock, surprised and angry about.Well, let's give you a little recap into her dreams and thoughts, get ready to be speechless.Ready yet?

Hiding Place, 5:53am, 1977, Before the Battle.
Thanos sneered at Voldemort,"You know nothing of my life, I'm not afraid of your unworthy presence, now tell, me, how is the feeling of not finding Harry Potter?After years—".

Voldemort's eyes turned into dark red slits, his lips turned up into a sneer, nearly identical to Thanos's, his followers held their breaths, as they heard the last drop of venom Voldemort spat,"How dare you speak to me like that?You are not worthy to be stood beside me, in the higher ranks of these...faithful followers, now...since you are nothing to me, our acquaintances and ties are over.I know you don't have the courage to kill Wanda Maximoff."

Thanos glared, and it looked like he wasn't angry at all, if he was, he was good at hiding it, his face remained calm, the infinity stones on his gauntlet shined,"Wanda Maximoff is powerful.Maybe stronger than you.Dont bring my family into this, when you don't have a family, your filthy mudblood of a father left you, your Pureblood mother betrayed her kind and married a mudblood, your a disgrace you disgraceful half-blood.You want to find Potter, followers?Let me remind you...faithful followers."he spat."They are the same, filthy blood running through their very veins."

Voldemort stared, stone cold hard,"You may not be a follower, with no mark branded into your...flesh and skin, but you went under my rules, I can break every bone with a flick of a wand, and just one word to my faithful followers—oh!"Voldemort exclaimed the last letter, his face practically covered with a smirk, he was pleased,"Have you met Nagini?Thanos, you will be shocked at what she can do, see these fangs?She can kill.With one.Singular.Bite!"

Nagini slithered across the long narrow table, her head bowing up, and fangs sticking out, like it was about to pounce, Voldemort's followers leaned backwards, tucking their arms in, afraid they wild be touched by the harmful venomed snake.
"See this Gauntlet?In these are the infinity stones.You don't know what they can do, in my world.I can bring everyone on my team here, to support me, they can kill you—"Thanos paused, and if it was possible, a smirk appeared on his face,"Oh, and, one of my faithful acquaintances look just like you, no names will be involved, I'm afraid you'll notice him,"With that, he left.
GIF of the guy Thanos said looked like Voldemort lmao.Forgot what his name was...

Voldemort looked at Thanos in disgust,"See, I encourage you to think best about your supporters

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Voldemort looked at Thanos in disgust,"See, I encourage you to think best about your supporters.But...unfortunately , your only family aren't here, Gamora...Nebula, even Wanda, and you gave her up, not knowing what powers she possessed."


Space, 7:03PM, 1977, After the Battle.

"So, your Miss Maximoff?"asked Peter Parker, unsure, looking up at Wanda, who chuckled, smiling at the young boy,
"It's just Wanda.Now, Parker. How do we know each other?"
Peter's face lit up, and he said, with no pauses,"We met at the airport-!A few years ago, remember?"
Now it was Wanda's eyes that lit up,"Oh shi-um, that was you?You have skills."

Peter but his lip,"Where do you think Mr Stark is, Wanda?Last time I saw him...I thought I was gonna die, am I-?"

"No, you won't.You're just a kid, Tony won't let you fight and let you die, he cares, but doesn't show it."said Wanda, Peter shook his head and she continued,"I'm not the judge.I know someone, who can help us, if you do fight, you have to try, remember, this is the fight of our lives."
Peter nodded, glancing at the other people, like Doctor Strange, Peter Quill, Bucky ect.
"Who's the person?"

"Captain Marvel."

Sorry, couldn't resist.I just realized that if I do this as the endgame book, then Thanos won't be here in Harry's time...whoops?But when Harry's time I will include the avengers.And oops again, is this a spoiler for u that I may do books until the end of Harry's era?

Okay, that's enough now,
Love u 3000, Karni xxxxxxx (okay, no 3000 x's on this too0).

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