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WANDA MAXIMOFF AND Lily Evans returned, they weren't 20 year olds, they were eighteen again, and it was a relief.After talking the whole night, and since it was just and only them that made an effort to get the stones, they decided a day at Hogwarts would be calm.Enough.

Wanda sighed,"Sorry for being mad at you—yesterday, I should've been mad at them.I had no right shouting at you—"

"You had every right to.Now, what's our excuse for not being at Hogwarts for just under two months?"
"Potter and Black are gonna bombard us with questions!"groaned the telekenis girl.

"We'll moan about that then.Now, the excuse?"questioned Lily, biting her lip.
Then, a thought came to Wanda's mind, and her face changed, Lily noticed it, and Wanda wished she hadn't thought of the thing she was thinking.
"What is it?"asked Lily.

"I was thinking, the excuse should be that...I found out my grandmother was sick, so I stayed with her for a couple of weeks, then went to visit my parents grave, and visited my brother..."
Silence followed.

"Yeah.If you're up for that."
They stood outside of Hogwarts, and after standing their for a good five minutes, Lily cleared her throat nervously,"We should go up to Dumbledore.My legs are dead."

"Lils, sometimes I think you don't know me at all,"Lily blinked,"You know I can move things with my mind, right?"
"Oh, yeah, right!But...I'm not a thing?"
"To me you are."

THEY LEFT DUMBLEDORE's Office with a rush, he agreed to use Wanda's excuse since it was more truthful.They reached the Kitchens before heading to their Common Room.
As soon as they reached the Kitchens, three pairs of eyes stared.

A chubby boy walked in, with a plate that has cake on,as soon as he locked eyes with Wanda and Lily, he dropped the plate he was holding.
"Lily!"cried James, as Sirius held him back,"Padfoot!That's Lily, and Wanda!"

"What if they're intruders—?"
"Dumbledore would know."said Lily simply, and Wanda said,"Then he'd order Hogwarts to go to the Great Hall, and all doors shut."

"Why weren't you here for ages?"
Wanda then said, looking at the ground,"My grandmother—"

'To have people believe your lie, look in their eyes while talking and don't hesitate.'The voice sounded masculine, and Wanda noticed her ring was on.

"Wanda?"questioned Remus Lupin worriedly.
"M-My grandmother was sick so I visited her then after a month and a few weeks I realized it was the date my mother and father died, then a few weeks later the anniversary of my brothers death came."

"What about Lily?"asked Remus and Sirius in sync suspiciously.

"My grandmother lived in a muggle residence that I wasn't familiar with and Lily was.She insisted Lily stayed because muggle borns were being slaughtered everywhere, and my grandmother had powerful protection spells around."

'Leave, now.It's dangerous.'warned the masculine voice in her head, and—
The six screamed, with James high pitched noticeable, and Wanda thought in her head the the person.


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