06| T O N Y

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"DO WE EVEN know where he is?"questioned Natasha, and Steve shook his head, and Wanda bit her lip,
"No, we cannot find no trace of him, or Nebula...maybe Wanda's right."suggested Steve, and the girl nodded.

"Um, are we gonna question where the gang is?Or why I woke up in the middle of—"started 'Ant-Man' and Steve gave him a look,"We're not the Scooby-Doo gang, now the focus is Wanda."

"Huh?"asked a confused brunette head,"What about me?"
"You're going to Hogwarts."

"No!I need to help, and find Nebula and Tony.He's our only chance—no offense, Cap."
Steve made a face,"Uh, none taken—"

"Good, Nat, we need as much help as we can get, we have the kid, Peter, uhh, Captain Marvel, she said she'd be away for a while, we can locate her, unless she's in Space too."

She paused, and Steve continued,"—I think."
"Wanda."started Steve.
"Cap."said Wanda, her face serious.
"I think you should go to Hogwarts,"he said, and when he saw Wanda opening her mouth, probably going to argue, he quickly said,"And, if we hear anything—even a slight thing about Tony, Nebula and the other Avengers, we will contact you, or um-your kind-"

"Steve!"laughed Wanda,"It's not offensive to say witches and wizards.And fine."
He blinked,"So I can't convince—wait what?"

"I said fine, but you have to promise that you'll tell me, even if you hear or find a tiny thing."
"And how are you supposed to know that we'd be lying?"

"Do you know what an Unbreakable Vow is, Steve?"grinned Wanda, and he shook his head, gulping Natasha rolled her eyes,"Okay, if I remember correctly from reading your ki—wizards books, it's something that you have to lock hands for, if someone goes against what they say, they die."She said, looking at Wanda to confirm, and she nodded,"But Wanda's joking, Steve, right?"


"Now, it's September 30th, it would've started by now, Stark Industries is no help to us, even Jarvis, he only replies to Tony, so, you have a place you can crash, Wanda?Until Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, I do."she smirked.
And she apparated.

I know I said it would be a long chapter, and I was going to do one, but if I continued this chapter, and telling you guys where she'd be going, that'd be completely different to this chapter and the title...to you get it?So if you're reading it on a Saturday around the 11th of May, then today there will be an update.

The remains I'm updating bonus chapters,('cause it's the weekend) is because I didn't update Monday nor Wednesday, even though it was a Bank Holiday.

Love you 3000, Karni X

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