16| L I E , L I E , L I E

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THE TWO GIRLS stood outside of the protection barrier, hoping nothing would come to harms way.Lily bit her lip, worried,"Are you sure this will actually be a great idea?Now thinkin' about it?"

Wanda rolled her eyes,"You're the one that suggested it, Lils.Now, here you go!"she grinned, handing Lily the clean, slippy vile filled with a bubbly, pink substance.

Lily scrunched her nose, looking at it disgusted, and downed it, as Wanda cringed, doing the same with her blue,  bubbly substance that had a bit of foam at the top.
"And to be honest, I think it'd a great idea.If we went, undisguised, then they'd ask where we were and we wouldn't be friends 'no more, however—"
"If we went as this,"Lily said, gesturing to her other self,"Then maybe, we coils hear snippets—"

"Look!They're over their.The barrier will only last for a couple of minutes."
Lily's eyes widened as Wanda had said that, and her hair turned to Clarissa's jet black colour, eyes dark filled with happiness inside.Wanda's hair had turned to Ariellé's dirty, blonde colour, her eyes now filled with curiosity.

On purpose, Ariellé grabbed Clarissa's hand, walking fast, then bumping into somebody's shoulder, who looked distressed.
"Oh—I am so sorry!I didn't look where I was going!"exclaimed Ariellé lifting the boy up, who continued to mutter under his breath, as the other boy with him smiled,"It's fine, uh—"

He glanced at her blazer, that had a badge saying,'Ariellé Lightwood Ministry Official.' His eyes widened, then said stuttering,"Ma'am.I apologise—"
"You're very polite.But, I'm not one of those Officials that are formal."

"Right,"he nodded,"I'm Remus Lupin.This is James Potter, he's the one that bumped into you—that's Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew."
"Nice to me you all.I apologise again...James.Looks like you're stressed.Anyway, James Potter as in the son of Fleamont?"
"Um, yes ma'a—Ariellé."said a distressed messy haired boy, and he glanced at her badge, looking away,nether his eyes widened as they connected with the badge again.
"You're a Ministry Official?"
"Yes,"said Ariellé, glancing at Clarissa, who grimaced looking down.

"Well, my frie—girlfriend is missing.Can't find her anywhere.Could you help me?"he questioned, his last sentence like a demand.
"James.She probably went back home or to Hogsmeade with Wanda."groaned Remus, as the black haired boy, Sirius Black, eyed them.
"Even if she is in Hogsmeade or something, and I ignore it and she actually is missing, it's worth trying to find her."

"With all due respect, James's girlfriend and her friend are the quite the adventurous people.They're probably out somewhere."
Remus gulped, as Ariellé's eyes narrowed, and stopped, as she smiled,"Is she a muggleborn?"
His answer was short.

"Then I find it that she's in danger, being a muggleborn with death eaters on the loose."Ariellé muttered the last part, as Sirius looked up,"Death-Eaters?"

"I've said enough, being a Ministry Official.Now, I better get going.Make up your mind whether you want to find her or not.I would, if I were you."

And Ariellé grabbed Clarissa's hand, and they tried to apparated.

Hi, sorry for the late update.4 Chapters will be out by Wednesday or Thursday since I didn't update on Wednesday last week, Friday or Monday, and Wednesday ig u get what I mean.So three more to go.

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