20| J A M E S , D E A R

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SHE LOOKED NERVOUSLY around the room.Waiting for her visitor, she sat in Rosmerta's shop in Hogsmeade, it was the best place for a meeting with Hogwart's students.

"Ahh, Ariellé,"smirked a black haired boy, and she rolled her eyes, saying,
"I was going to speak to James.But, of course, you too,"

The sandy haired boy, Remus Lupin, sat down, as well as the chubby boy, Sirius Black, and James Potter.
As some one came up to their table, they asked,"Drinks?"

Ariellé's eyes lit up, only noticing Wanda (herself without the potion) was of age, and said,"Butterbeer—wait, no, on second thoughts, a firewhisky."

Sirius Black smirked,"Changing ideas because we're here?Remus?"Remus shook his head.

"Two firewhiskeys, and two more butterbeers,"interrupted James, instantly knowing his chubby friend was a butterbeer guy.
"So."said James, suddenly,"Do you think we should start putting posters up of them—?"
"James,"said Ariellé,"We don't know if she's definitely missing.How about, sending a patronus?"

The boy sighed, running his hand through his hair.


YAY I'm back!Guess what?I re watched Avengers Endgame, but instead it was post credit scenes one.And guess what movie I'm watching today?

Yeah, you guessed,

hayahah.im so happy lmao.

I guessed today would be a good day to start this book up again, since Far From Home is out and I'm watching it today,

Love u 3000, Karni


My edits will be different, it won't be normal.
Monday- I update my other book
Tuesday-I update one if my drafted books.
Wednesday-Edit a book

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