15| G L A R E

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I wanted to explain, that, if you got a notification I updated the recent chapter, it's because I did.Please read it, if you don't, and comment a question to why I write something in here that was wrong and explained it differently, I will just say,'Read the last chapter.' Thanks to you guys that went back to the last chapter after reading this. Xx

'CLARISSA' AND 'ARIELLÉ' reached the third floor, as the black haired girl whispered to the blonde,"Do you know how to cast a patronus?"
Ariellé nodded,"Yeah, why?"
Clarissa shrugged, saying carelessly,"Incase we run into dementors—because they are interrogating someone where there are dementors held."

They reached the door, which had gaps inside, and was metal, hard enough so no one, except the most powerful wizards alive, could break.Knowing the door would be closed, since the Minister and the other authorities wouldn't allow anyone in.

Even though it was hard to break, it wasn't hard to open it."Alohomora."muttered Ariellé, before the door swing open, a creak being heard, then some faces glanced their way.
"What do we do?!"whisper-shouted Clarissa, in a panicky voice, and Ariellé rolled her eyes, then after she said cautiously, hoping no one heard them,"Follow my lead."

They walked up, onto the first pillar of stairs (Spoiler SPOILER:you know in the Deathly Hallows when Dolores Umbridge or someone was interrogating 'Ron's' wife of being muggle or squib, and getting someone's wand?The room they were interrogating in, with the dementors in top of her, that's how I want it to look like no, but old fashion).

They sat near the Minister, who eyed them, then once glancing over their badges, he exclaimed,"Miss Lightwood—!Miss...Middleton.We expected you to come much more later, but just in time."
"Call us Ariellé and Clarissa, Minister."
"Alexander."he corrected.

He cleared his throat, announcing for it to begin, then he said,"Abraxas Malfoy.We have come to our conclusion, that you have been...faithful or helping the Dark Lord."
The two woman glanced at each other.

The man in the chair, strapped, wore a calm expression, his hair was snow-White.Eyes were the colour of the clouds.
He knew when he had to answer or not, and now wasn't the time.

Ariellé knew she had to do her part, and said, in a clear, professional voice.

"Abraxas Malfoy.Husband to Isla Maia Malfoy.Father to Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, correct?"
The man nodded, and Clarissa and Ariellé knew from his expression, that he was nervous of that they were going to say something else, but his demeanour expression changed.

"Pureblood.Now, you must answer all of our questions, truthfully.If you lie, which we will know, because dementors have a skill, of sensing when people are lying [I made that part up, so pls don't comment that it was wrong when I made it up.]If you fail to communicate, you will spend a weeks worth in Azkaban, and we will interrogate you, again."

The questions were,"Was you giving generous donations to us with the kindness of your heart, or was it to get some information?"
"We're you faithful to us?"
Then, the last question, was asked ,"Did you betray us to the Dark Lord?"Before Abraxas Malfoy even uttered a word, or opened his mouth, Ariellé cut in, saying loudly.

"Alexander, would you care to give Abraxas Malfoy vertiserum, instead?If he lies, the dementors will suck his soul then he will be gone, and if he goes, then we will not get any information about the Dark Lord.If he tells the truth...I don't know why he would, he's gone to great lengths to protect his Master, why would he tell the truth now?"

Abraxas Malfoy looked at her with a smirk, and Ariellé really wondered if this was polyjuice potion she took, or if it really was a made up person.
Alexander Bane nodded, and looked over at the people who had Vertiserum in their hands,"You heard her!"
They scurried in the direction of the man, and he willingly opened his mouth, and the question was repeated, and he said, in a, unusual tone.

The two women let out a sharp sigh.

Hii, I hope you red the top part, if not READ THE TOP PART, I know I sound demanding, but it'd your choice if you don't want to know about the changes.
Love u 3000, Karni

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