03| T I M E

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"SO YOUR SAYING Thanos is powerless and weak, he destroyed the infinity stones, and now we can't leave this space ship-whatever it is,"asked Wanda, her eyes turning wide.

"Yes, I am, Wanda."said Doctor Strange,"The only way is to make a powerful portal, by a very powerful person, and boom!We're are were we want to be."
Wanda glanced over at him, her eyes nearly bulging out of her eyes,"You're not thinking what I'm thinking...are you?"

"Unfortunately you may be."

"Mine and your powers put together?Sorry to deflate your ego, but I'm not that powerful, thanks."said an uneasy Wanda, and Peter looked at her, saying in a panicky voice,"Aunt May-she's gonna be so mad—and school!"he paused, seeing Wanda and Strange giving him a,'Is it really the time to think about school when the infinity stones are disappeared?'

"Right, anyway, just try, you don't know until you—"
"Try, yeah, yeah we've heard it a thousand of times."Dr Strange rolled his eyes, Wanda gave him an incredulous look,"what?Just because you disagree with the idea doesn't mean I don't.Anyway, the kid's probably saying that just so he can tell Mr Stark he's done well in his Avengers test!"

Mimicked Strange as Wanda glared,"Strange!The kid has skills, you should've seen him at the airport where was it?I don't know, but it was impressive, ask Cap."
Doctor Strange held his arms out in front, circular orange beams appearing giving Wanda look,"So?What are we waiting for."

Wanda hesitated, "Fine, don't blame me when this doesn't work."Peter rolled his eyes at their antics, then Wanda followed Dr Strange in pursuit then a large circular red and orange portal appeared.

"Let's get ready to die."
Muttered one of the other people aboard, and Wanda gave them a 'really' look."Quill!Stop being stupid, even I can do it."said a Racoon, whose name is Rocket,"Here, it'll get chilly, wear a hat-you too, groot, since your tiny."

Groot muttered something, which sounded high,"I am groot!"
Quill, aka Star Lord said under his breath,"Yeah, yeah.And I don't think he's gonna wear it."

"Yeah I know that,"replied Rocket sassily,"He just said, I don't like hats."he paused,"To be honest, I don't like them either because one minute you think someone has a weird shaped head, the next minute just because you realize that head is a hat.Thats why you don't like hats?"

"I am groot!"

Rocket groaned,"Wow, how did I not figure this sooner!"he said dramatically.
"Did you ever think it was because you had a singular brain cell?"retorted Peter Quill, and Rocket glared.

"Okay, bye, also if we aren't back in a minute, and the portal is still here, then come through it, and we'll be together, all heroes together and powerful, is better than two alone."said Dr Strange.

Everyone nodded, agreeing , like Peter Quill, Rocket, Groot,(who just said " I am groot")Peter Parker, and a lot more.
Wanda and Strange walked through, and they looked in awe.

"What the-"paused Wanda.
She saw Doctor Strange disappearing, then the next minute she was seeing Strange not next to her.She panicked and screamed,"Strange!Doctor Strange!Where are you!"
Then a hole appeared in front of her, with a BANG!She screamed, performing a barrier, not needing her wand, then through the portal appeared Peter Parker, who blinked processing where he was.

"Peter!Where's Doctor Strange?"
"Wait, I don't know—where are we?"yelled Peter over the large wind that gushed, and holes in the ground appeared.

"We're back."whispered Wanda in awe.
"We're where?"asked a confused Peter.

"We're here!Wait, how do we get back?"
"We need Dr Strange.Doctor Strange—!"yelled Peter, and Wanda cut him off,

"There's no point.Theres no way of communication."
"Anyway, where are we again?"

Wanda sighed,"I don't know exactly where...but back on Earth."she paused,"Definitely no human being would want to live here."
Peter grimaced,"Well...why's that hut over their then?"
Silence filled the air.
"Maybe it's abandoned?"suggested Wanda, then as if something was trying to tell her it wasn't abandoned, a flicker of light appeared in it.

"We should go in,"said Peter,"You know...we are brave right?Maybe it'll be someone who can help us, then we die."
Wanda stared,
"Okay, Parker, let's not go there, my job is to fight whatever the hell we have to, not to babysit, if you come with me to that creepy hut, you fight, and maybe kill, if you stay here you're good.I'll perform a protection shield around you so no one can harm you.But if you step into there, you're an Avenger."

Peter stared,"Did you come up with that speech just now?"
Wanda shrugged saying bluntly,"No, a friend said it to me a few years ago when we were fighting robots.All he had was a bow and arrow, and he's freaking brave."

They reached the hut after hours, and heard a conversation, then Wanda whispered to Peter,"Hey, kiddo, you ready to fight whatever's in there?"he nodded,"Good, because as soon as we're a second in, use your web things to tie everyone to the wall and I'll make sure they can't move a muscle."

Peter breathed,"In and out Peter, you can do this."
"That's the spirit."
"I really don't have a spirit, Wanda."
"...You've never really went on a mission before have you?Well, go!

Yelled Wanda, and they ran in, breaking the wooden door easily, then Wanda raised her both hand, red lights appearing making the things or someone freeze.


Questioned Wanda,"Kid, stop, let 'em go."

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