07| H O U S E H O L D

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WANDA APPARATED TO the Evans Household, and smiled, seeing lilies, (literally) roses arms daffodils.She knew Lily Evan's parents were Muggles, so their house wouldn't be magical friendly.

Wanda then realized how nervous she was, and turned back, walking away, then stopped, she hadn't seen her friend for how long?Three months.Even though it was the end of September, she knew Lily would be their. She sent Wanda letters, saying her Aunt was sick so she would be staying home for a week or two, and she sent back letters sending Lily's Aunt her like love.

She turned back round, heading for the Evans, and knocked, which echoed.Thence heard a voice ,"Mum!I'll get it!It might be Vernon!"
A giddy and shrill voice echoed.

The wooden, uncreaky  door opened, and revealed a girl with a pointy nose, and blue eyes."And you are?"she asked rudely,"The papergirl?I thought boys do it."

"No, I'm a friend of Lily's.Didn't imagine anyone related to Lily would be sexist around her."
The girl flushed,"Well.My filthy sister is in her room.I'm Petunia, not that you'd care."

"I don't."muttered Wanda, and Petunia ignored her, shouting ,"LILY!COME DOWN HERE!"
"You didn't have to shout, 'Tunia—WANDA!"

said a shocked Lily, "What are you doing here?"Wanda grinned, hugging her best friend,
"I had no where to go, after the attack, crashed in...some openings, and restaurants over night."she lied, and felt guilty, Lily smiled sympathetically,"You should've came here before, come on, you know, mum loves decorating."

"Sorry, I didn't have time, so, how long you been away from Hogwarts?"
"Just a few days, two, three?Aunt Millie's getting better from what I've seen.So I'll be back tomorrow."

"Anything new from Hogwarts...maybe a James Potter?"teased Wanda, and Lily looked over at her friend nervously, her friends fiddling the hem of her skirt.

"Hesmyboyfriend."blurted Lily, her eyes widening. And Wanda furrowed her eyebrows, wondering if she was telling the truth,"I can understand why a your saying...but your joking!"

Lily shook her head,"Nope.He even got me a bracelet."
Wanda looked at her friend agape, as Lily started squealing as they headed to her bedroom, and once they did, she rolled on her bedsheets as Wanda laughed.

"C'mon, we have a big day tomorrow."
"We?"asked a confused Lily.
"Yeah...Hogwarts.I'm going back."


"Welcome back, Miss Maximoff.I bet you had an...extraordinary couple of months."said Dumbledore, slightly smiling, the twinkle in his eyes still their.

"I don't think it'd be extraordinary, sir, if I had to live in the streets."
"Hmm,"Dumbledore said, wondering if his fellow student was lying,"You could've went to Miss Evans house, you have plenty of other friends too, I'm sure."

"Yes, but Lily was on holiday with her family to the Isle of Wight (pronounced like White) and even if I did come to her house at the start of September, then that'd mean she'd be at Hogwarts while I would have no one.My other friends, I have no idea where they live,so there's no point."

Dumbledore nodded,"Thank you, Miss Maximoff, now, why don't you and Miss Evans here head down to the Great Hall, the feast is delicious, I heard tonight at 9:00m after curfew house elves sin the kitchen are making hot chocolate."

Lily looked at him in agape, and Wanda chuckled, and they left.Their way to the Great Hall was silent, until Wanda asked,"How was your summer, Lils?"

Lily bit her lip nervously,"Well, you know when Petunia said someone called Vernon would be coming yesterday?"Wanda nodded, and she continued,"She's getting married!I would be happy for her...but she said it'd only because she loves him, and the sooner she gets married, the quicker she's away from me...mum is saying she isn't of aged yet, so she can leave when I leave Hogwarts, so by the end of July."

"Wow,"Wanda said in shock,"She really hates us, doesn't she?"
"Yeah."said Lily sadly.

As they trudged into the Great Hall, some eyes were set on them, and waves and hello were sent their way, then they heard a voice say with excitement,

"Lily-pads!Wanda.Come here!"

Has anyone read the Gone Series by Michael Grant?I Finished It a couple months ago, so if u love adventure books and magical books, then...well.

Love u 3000!

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