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THR BLONDE HAIRED girl stood in front of the table, hand on the desk, smiling.
"Maybe we need another interrogation.See if Malfoy is willing to risk his life for him."

"Ariellé, this is not a test if he would.We are doing this because he has betrayed us.He should be sentenced to the Dementor's kiss."
Ariellé made a noise, as the Minister smiled down at her, warmly.

"I am a high Authority of the Ministry, right?"she questioned, and Alexander Bane nodded,"Then I get the right to do whatever I please, unless it's against the Law."

The man stared.
"I will inform Alfie Dunstan—the American Minister of Magic, about this.Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong...yet,"she confirmed.

The man gulped, and she knew he would say anything so she wouldn't tell the American Minister that Alexander hadn't done what she asked.Even though people thought she was in the lower ranks than him, she wasn't.

"Shall we gather a meeting, afterwards, about what the American Minister has discussed with you?"Alexander asked, nervously, wondering if she would be glad to share things with him.

Ariellé smirked, and apparated away,
"ALFIE, I HAVE came to report about the England Ministry,"Ariellé announced, he raised his eyebrows,"They have someone...that have betrayed them, they interrogated them."
"Who are they, Ariellé?"asked sharply Alfie Dunstan, the American Minister of Magic.

"Abraxas Malfoy."
"No,"sneered Alfie, as Ariellé asked concerned,"What is it?"
"I trust you, and you won't tell a soul, aside from Clarissa, of course, right?"

She nodded, and he inhaled a breath sharply,"It is vital you do not tell.Anyone.Abraxas came to me for help, to...aid him, and make sure he doesn't get caught, and he chose me, since if anything happens in England, nothing is relevant to me, since America is my job to protect, both muggles and wizards."

"However, I agreed, knowing the only thing I would be involved in from England would be wars, deaths, the Dark Lord, ect.But, I don't know why I helped the scum."

"He tricked me—"

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