18|Authors Note

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I know that I need to publish three chapters, and two are being edited because on one of the chapters, I write something that makes sense, but doesn't, if u get what I mean.

If u don't get what I mean, and even if u do there's a 99.9% you don't, so please read on.

So, by not making sense but does, what I mean is, it makes sense for a book chapter, but not this one, because since this is Wanda we're talking about, and say if i dont know, she was pregnant or something, that wouldn't work in her storyline, it's just an example.So, yeah, and the chapter will take longer than I thought.

I'm so sorry, a lot has been going on, but by Sunday atleast four or five chapters will be released.I know, I said in yesterday's chapter three would be published today, but I didn't realise the thing I writ didn't make sense for Wanda's storyline.

Love u 3000, Karni

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