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Hi, this is an authors note.since I won't be update this following week, I just wanted to say that:

This book will be ending in ten chapters.

You might think:oh, you don't need to worry about that, because since you make a chapter every week, you have ten weeks, (aka two months and a bit) so you can think about it later.

Well.Because I'm not updating the following week.The week after that I hopefully with be posting a chapter everyday, even if I'm still in France then.
The reason why I want this book finished isn't because I hate it.I absolutely love it.But the reasons are because one, it won't take two more months to finish and I can focus on other books.two, I can start editing mistakes.

  Im going to start trying making chapter chapters in France, but don't expect me to, please, there's a reason why I'm going on holiday.

Love u 3000, karni
A chapter might come out today

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