31| F U N E R A L

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"IT'S BEEN 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.World governments are in pieces.The parts that are still working are trying to take a census.And it looks like he did...He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out...fifty percent of all living creatures.Where is he now?"

said the hologram of Wanda, pictured her sitting down, in front of something that was taking a video of her.
Everyone who were meant to be were their, Pepper Potts, Happy, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Clint, Gamora, Peter Quill and more.

"This was before I "died", I knew from the start how to get the soul stone, and we already planned who was going with who then, so..."

"If you're listening, I guess you know why I made this.I'm dead.There's obviously a twist to this, because there is always a twist when it comes to death.Maybe a didn't die falling of a cliff like my sister, Gamora. Hopefully Nebula brought her back.
I wish I didn't die.That makes me sound like I didn't sacrifice myself.I wish I didn't come across this thought.But life is this way.Hopefully I'm not on the muggle news—"

"Wait a minute!"said Wanda, alarmed,"Pepper, you have the muggle television thing, right?"she nodded,"Could you turn it on?"

She did.

"And apparently Wanda Maximoff has died.She was revealed as an Avenger, and close friend to Tony Stark.Could you give us a statement, Tony?"
"Yes, I would love to.Wanda was what every girl would want to be.She was young, to be an Avenger, just like Pe—, just like Spider Man.Wanda, we all know deaths have a twist.If you're listening, and you're not dead, please buy a parrot and bring it on missions with you.Pepper will explain."
"So you really think Wanda Maximoff is alive?"
"She's a fighter."

"What's with the parrot thing?"asked Wanda quietly.
Pepper laughed, tears flowing.

"When we came up with the plan with the time turner to get the stones, and you said Lily could help, when you apparated away Tony asked why I trusted Lily being part of the mission.I said because you two seemed like good friends, so Tony said, and I quote.'Well then, buy me a pet parrot, and let's see if we're friends.Will you then think the parrot should go on a mission with us?'"

In the background, Bruce laughed,"Oh I remember, after that Tony and you argued like an...old married couple?"
"They're already tha—"

Wanda paused, staying silent.
Tony's Hologram message appeared, and Wanda sat next to Morgan, who eyed her, before relaxing.@

"Everyone wants a happy ending, right?But it doesn't always roll that way.Maybe this time, I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration.I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the plan has been restored.If there ever was such thing.

God, what a world.Universe, now.If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised.But come on, you know?That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play.

And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's going to have to find a way to grow up in.So I found the time and I recorded a little greeting, in case of an untimely death.On my part.I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely.This time travel thing that we're going to try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it.

Then again, that's the hero gig.Part of the journey is the end.Ive made this journey before.Everything's going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to...I love you three thousand."


WANDA AND LOTS of others watched as the flowers, and leaves floated into the lake, all in one piece, with,'Proof that Tony Stark had a heart.' engraved in.

"I wish...there were a way we could tell her, we won."
"She knows.They both know."said Wanda, smiling at Clint.



ASKED BRUCE Banner, as Steve nodded, Wanda bit her cuticle, and Bucky and Sam were there.

"How long will this take?"
Asked Bucky.

"For us, five seconds, for him, as long as he needs."

Sam and Bucky nodded, and Wanda waited, as soon as Captain America disappeared, Bruce counted down.


Nothing happened.
Hulk looked down at his machine, pressing buttons forcefully.

"Where is he?"demanded Bucky.
No reply.
"Where is he, Banner?"yelled Sam.


Trailed Wanda, and everyone suddenly stared at her.
Then once she didn't talk for a few minutes, they looked at where her gaze was.

There mouths were agape.
Sam walked towards the old man, who looked exactly like Steve.

They talked for a while, and everything was silent.
After a while, Wanda thought that something was wrong with her eyes.

Captain America was giving Sam his shield.

Bucky and her glanced at each other.

Sam glanced at the three, wondering if he should take the shield, and Bucky nodded, as Wanda smiled.

Sam took the shield off of Steve, and the old man looked back, smiling at the three.


I cannot believe it is the end.
I refuse to believe it.
It's been quite a long journey, for me anyway.From my first book, to this is my first avenger fanfic series, so thank u for being on this journey with me.

I'm speechless.this ending, when I thought about it, I was like,'OK, it's ending early.thats fine.' But I don't want it to end.As much as I love my other books, to update them, I only want to focus on this.

But sadly it has to end.
Thank you, really, if you're either finding the first book to this on your recommendations, or searching up avengers, or whatever, I'm glad you came across this.
As far as I've planned, there won't be epilogues sadly.

I might think about it, if my other books aren't busy.but in case, watch out for epilogues.
Thank you very much.
I'll miss this book :(

Love u 3000, karni

Endgame»Marauders Era»Avengers {2}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora