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(Wanda and Lily).
The two were outside of the Ministry.In London.They knew what to do, since they read it in lots of books on the day Wanda told Lily everything, which was yesterday, a Saturday.They reached a telephone box, and stepped in, it was small, and cramped,

Ariellé and Clarissa were lucky they weren't claustrophobic, or they'd panic, and never going into a telephone box ever again.Ariellé dialed a number she remembered Lily telling her which would reach the Ministry and they'd go in.A voice then said, clearly.

"This is the Ministry Of Magic.Please state your name, age and business."

A female voice said, and Clarissa said clearly,"Ariellé Isabelle Lightwood and Clarissa Elle Middleton.Both aged 19, and we are here from the American Ministry of Magic to attend work with the (U.K.) Minister of Magic."

Ariellé fidgeted, thinking she was claustrophobic after all, it seemed Clarissa was feeling the same, and the black haired girl whispered to the  blonde comfortingly,"We're lucky we didn't travel through toilets."
Ariellé nodded, chuckling.

"Thank you for arriving, Miss Lightwood and Miss Middleton.Please collect your badges,mans you will arrive at the Ministry."
Ariellé held the two small badges, giving one to Clarissa, and the blonde haired girl's read:


Then, in a blink of an eye, they were in a crowd of people.Clarissa glanced at Ariellé (who was Wanda).Ariellé walked on forward as Clarissa followed, and the blonde haired bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry, I didn't look where I was going!"apologized Ariellé.
"It's fine, really, are you lost?"asked a dark haired man, probably 19, or in his early twenties.

Ariellé looked sheepish,"Yeah.Could you help us?"
The man looked behind Ariellé, to see Clarissa smiling.
"Well...this badge says your ministry officials, then how do you not know where to go—and I don't recognize you,"the man's eyes narrowed.Clarissa's eyes widened, then Ariellé quickly said,

"We're from the American Ministry of Magic.We were high Authorities then we apparated here because we were told some things are happening and we need to sort the Ministry out,"she lied, though it was a bit true, with Pepper using Ariellé's blood, that means she could have her magic for a while and perform a spell to trick the American Ministry Officials that we were working their.

"Oh—I apologize, I-um, behalf on the Ministry, we all welcome you to London, Miss..."he glanced down at the badges,"Lightwood and Miss Middleton."

Clarissa made a 'hmph' noise, glancing over to the blonde haired 19 year-old, she twisted her ring twice and Natasha said in hers and Ariellé's thoughts,

'What is it, Lily-I mean, Clarissa.Good so far?'
'No.'thought Ariellé (Wanda).
You could literally hear Natasha chuckle, then Clarissa thought,'What is the name of the American Minister of Magic, Natasha?"
Natasha hummed in their thoughts,'Hmm, Alfie Dunstan.'
'Thanks.'beamed Clarissa (Lily).

Clarissa cleared her throat, now standing next to the blonde head,"Ariellé, I think Alfie was right.This Ministry does need sorting out with their behaviour."Then Ariellé knew what Clarissa was doing, she was only saying that so the man would apologise and they'd know each other well after talking etc.

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