12| E X P L A I N I N G

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"WHERE HAVE YOU been?!"said an outraged Lily Evans,"I have been looking everywhere—top to bottom, looking in every crank only to see spiders!And you know how much I fucking despise bloody spiders!"

Wanda blinked,"Never thought I'd see the day when Lily Evans swore,"then she quickly said after that,"And I know, I owe you an explanation, I haven't been fully honest with you.So, I'm gonna tell you everything right now."

Lily looked taken aback,"That was...effortless.But, before you say anything, remember you're my best friend and nit ninth will get in the way of that—Severus apologizing or whatever, or even Potter.Now, my swearing, we will talk about that for another day, now go on."

Lily smiled, reaching Wanda's hand.
"Well.You know the Avengers, the guys that save the world, blah, blah blah?"asked Wanda as Lily nodded cautiously,"I have been working with them.When I arrived at your place a few weeks ago, I wasn't honest.I said I was living in the streets and stuff like that, but actually, I was with the Avengers.The last day of our sixth year, their was an attack, I'm sure you've heard about it, right?"

Lily nodded, her hand unraveling Wanda's, but needless to say, Wanda continued,"In the attack, me, the Avengers and a few other people were apparated I guess to somewhere in a forest.Thanos and Voldemort were their.We fought.That is for another time also to talk about.Then, a few days before I arrived to hide house, me and the Avengers were tracking down Thanos.He was weak, and powerful.We asked him where the infinity stones are—you know, the shiny gems, and we found out he destroyed them.So Thor, the guy with the hammer, cut his head off."

Lily blinked."I can't believe you hid this from me.We're best friends—"
"I know, I am so so sorry, Lils.If you don't want to be my best friend anymore, that's fine—!"

"I was going to say, we're best friends, and nothing is going to get in the way of that.So I believe, and trust you."

Wanda blinked,"Oh, well one that case, we need your help."
"We?"repeated Lily, as Wanda nodded, a smirk forming,"W-Wait, the Avengers need my help?"

"Oh ya-I mean, oh, okay, then shoot."
Wanda tried to hide a smile, but then said,"We need a Time Turner.To go back into time, and get the time stones to defeat Voldemort as well.So, if you want to, me and you will be going into the Ministry, becoming friends with the higher authorities, we'll call them, and then finding out which department or where they keep the Time Turners."

"I'm in,"said Lily rapidly,"I will do anything, anything to defeat Voldemort and Thanos.If I fight, that's what I'll do, if it'd to help the Avengers defeat them- or shall I say him, since Thanos is dead, anyway.When will we be going to the Ministry?"said a giddy Lily.

Wanda chuckled,"We can't go in without a plan—well, we did make a plan but Pepper, Tony Stark's wife,planned a meeting tomorrow in Hogsmeade at 11am.She will tell us what to do.And I imagine Pepper has brewed a potion, after reading lots of books about the Wizarding World.A potion to change our appearance, I'm sure you're familiar with polyjuice potions?"

Lily nodded,"Yeah, we need a hair of someone's, but that will be hard—"
"Leave it up to Pepper.She's smart at these things.Lets get some breakfast—oh, and last night I got my owl to fly to Pepper so she could send me a letter for information, and she did send a letter.She says she and the Avengers have spoken to Dumbledore and he loves our idea.But made sure not to mess with the past just to get the stones.So we can have time off school."

"But won't we be the same age when we're undercover?"questioned Lily, Wanda shook her head,
"No.Pepper looked at a few Officials, and chose two for us.They are both 21, and two 16 year olds can't warm up to 21 year olds can they?So we will be 19-20."

Lily nodded.
"Okay, now, I'm gonna be reading some books about spells, care to join me, m'am?"she smiled, as Wanda laughed, saying with delight,"Of course, Miss Evans!"

Hii, the people that live in the UK reading this, sorry if you get this notification in the night, it's 10:35pm, and I knew I'd forget to publish this tomorrow on Thirsday.So I'm publishing it now, for you all reading it on Thursday...pretend it was published then!Also, u guys reading this in the UK, and you're reading this today, on Wednesday, expect the chapter out by 00:00am, or by 3pm on Thursday.

Love y'all 3000, Karni

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