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SHE STEPPED ON the large concrete floor, groaning, she jumped down from a portal, crouched down.She looked up, only to see clouds and a light sky.

She was their.Wanda smiled, hoping Steve and Natasha wouldn't be mad.Without any hesitation she stepped out to head to the Avengers Headquarters and what felt like a millisecond, she was there.
It was the same as before, but maybe a few changes.Heading up the stairs, she wondered why she was taking the Wizarding way, by apparating, though she had never taken her test, she knew what you have to do since Lily Evans, who was completely oblivious that Wanda was trying to aparrate without the Ministry's conditions, explained what you had to do.Imagine the place, be determined and think of a destination.Three the D's apparently it was called according to Lily.

Wanda knew she had to tell her best friend—Lily—about everything, she was the smartest person Wanda knew, and she trusted Lily with her deepest secrets.So she made a plan, she'd go to the Headquarters today, where she is now, then once Steve and Nat fill her in on everything with Tony she'd leave early in the morning hoping Lily wouldn't notice, even though she wakes up an hour early—or earlier!Then once she wakes up, she'd tell Lily everything since the intelligent girl had nothing else to be stressed about-and it was a Saturday.

Wanda breathed, as she stepped in, and felt the atmosphere change.It was bright, warm and smelt of something she recognized-mint.She rolled her eyes, knowing Pepper—Tony's fiancé, not the spice—smelt like peppermint or mint (same thing, right?) and Tony loved that smell, preferably because Pepper always smelt like that.

Anyway, enough with the spice and smells, Wanda apparated-again-and in less than 0.1 seconds she was their.And it was awkward, since she didn't go over the idea that alarms would ring when somebody doesn't use the thing Wanda hates, it was like Jarvis and would scan through your body to see if weapons were on you, and it would find out your name.And Wanda apparated right through it which would detect the alarm bells.

Knives were held at her throat, and she cursed under her breath.
"Calm down.Do you really think the protection around this place would be so weak that a witch could go through it?"

There was a loud grunt.Wanda turned.Thor, she frowned,"When did he get here?Didn't Steve say, and I quote,'he was literally a drunk King.Playing a muggle game called Fortnite based on us—imagine that!'"

Thor turned to Steve with a hard, and evil glare, as Steve sunk down onto a chair, as a blonde haired woman chuckled,"Don't take it offensively, Steve.Thor always glares at people, it's why his face is so stiff."

Thor now glared at Nat, who pursed her lips,"See?"
"Now, tell me what's going on—"

"They told you to stay at Hogwash-"
"Hogwarts,"said Wanda, irritated, correcting Thor, and she wondered how he knew about it, probably from Steve,"Anyway. It's not like I'm going back after traveling from Scotland to here!"

"Well, you're an Avenger.Steve, Thor it's not like we can keep anything from her, even if she's not if age, she's one of the most powerful people here!"said Natasha, her voice raised.
Steve and Thor nodded, knowing not to argue with a mad Natasha Romanoff.

"Look, I 100% respect you siding with me, Nat, but 'she' has a name.It's Wanda,And I highly recommend you use it."
Pointed out Wanda, and Natasha laughed, nodding.

Someone cleared their voice,"She's feisty.Though I doubt she isn't as powerful as mwah,"smirked a blonde haired lady.
Wanda smiled,"Nice to know there's finally competition around here, I would've loved to see the look on Nat's face when   Hannah Marin here arrived."

The blonde haired girl frowned,"My name isn't Hannah Marin...I think you're mistaking me for someone—"

"Wait a minute,"interrupted Wanda,"you've never watched PLL?"
The blonde haired blinked,"Come again?"

,"Pretty Little Liars,"Wanda elaborated, the blonde haired frowned shaking her head.
Natasha chuckled,"Kinda surprised you wasted your time as a kid bingeing on-what's it called?What do you wizards call 'normal' people as?Muggles!Ah, that's it, anyway, surprised you wasted your time as a kid bingeing on muggle shows."

Wanda gave a tight smile,"It was because after my twin, Pietro died, I was...heartbroken, I felt like a piece of me was missing, so I wasted my time instead of getting better at my magic and avenging his death."

A long pause hit her in the face.

"We have news,"started Steve.
'No shite Sherlock.'thought Wanda.

"The Ant Man came.We-by we I mean most of the Avengers that didn't go missing, decided the only way to get the infinity stones right now, well their is no way, the only time zones the stones existed, was in the past.So we're making a time machine.And as much as we don't want one of our powerful witch to get hurt, we need your help."

I admit, it did take very long for this chapter.No I will not make this as an excuse, but I was traveling to London as soon as I came home from school on Friday then I had to come home early in the morning on Sunday because of issues.I know I could've drafted a few things offline while traveling to London in three hours, but that thought wasn't in my head.I could've drafted atleast six chapters—SIX, in those three hours, half an hour for each since I like making 1000 words or more chapters, even tho I didn't do that in my recent ones.So, from now on, I will do that.

Don't expect a chapter tomorrow, but expect atleast two this week, since it was a Monday yesterday and I missed that one so I made it up for today.Then tomorrow is a Wednesday but as I said there won't be one up tomorrow but I am drafting a few this week, so currently it is 10:49pm at night, I was hoping to get some sleep, but hopefully by half past 11 I want two drafts finished, then tomorrow I will draft another chapter and publish two in Thursday and a bonus on Saturday or Sunday, then since on Thursday I have nothing to draft I will draft a chapter ready for Monday then I will edit my other books.

Love u 3000, Karni xx

Endgame»Marauders Era»Avengers {2}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz