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MONTHS WENT BY like a flash.

Everything had been sorted out between the Avengers (including Wanda) and Lily.
Wanda had dealt with one extra thing.
Tony Stark was certain they'd win the war.
But he didn't want Lily to know of the events that happened before when the war finished.

So Pepper made a potion to make Lily forget.
Lily went back to Hogwarts as normal.James, and the other Marauders' minds were obliviated, in case they asked Lily why she was missing with Wanda, then she wouldn't remember it.

The War had passed.

The War had finished.

The War had killed.

Many lives were killed.Heroes.Muggles.Witches.

Wanda sobbed.She cried.Her heart poured.
Every time she closed her eyes.The scene would replay.Like a video.Collecting the stones.Everything, was for something.Delicate lives were lost.

Some children were motherless or fatherless.Some parents lost children.

But Wanda knew, that wouldn't be the end of her revenge.Thanos would've been defeated.The lives would be remembered.


Hi.You're probably wondering why I skipped the part when they retrieved the stones.Dont worry thought, because I'm doing it down their, and continuing this chapter.PLEASE DONT LEAVE YET, PLS READ.
This chapter up their ^^^ that you've read, that was the present, now, what I'm going to write, is the past.

The past that I'm going to write, isn't Wanda remembering the memories of collecting the stones.It's before.
Now, the first scene is.... :( sadly the stones where they collect them r starting in the next chapter.Now, see what I'm writing about now.


WANDA AND NATASHA nervously walked down the streets.

They searched for the man himself.

They cringed, as they heard a yell.A scream.A screech.A beg.

Wanda ran, and ran, as Natasha followed, in sync, they yelled.


A shadow turned.He hand changed.A few cuts were recognizable, his hair was short.Natasha gasped.Wanda turned round, her back facing to Clint, she whispered to Natasha,"You should talk to him."

And left.

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