A Sinking Feeling

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Cuphead woke up the next morning to see his brother still fast asleep. He realized that the nightmares must be taking a lot out of him. Letting him sleep a little longer wouldn't hurt, Cuphead thought. The young cup went about his usual business in the morning and eventually went to sit down for breakfast. Elder Kettle had gotten everything set up and then sat down when the empty chair caught his attention.

"Where's Mugman?" The tan kettle asked his son.

"Oh, he's still sleeping." Cuphead replied casually. But it was anything but casual that Mugman was still asleep at this time of day. He was normally up before his older brother.

"Please go wake up your brother." Kettle told his boy.

"I was thinking that we should let him sleep for a little bit longer." Cup said. "He hasn't exactly been sleeping that well lately."

"Why is that?" His grandfather inquired.

"I think it's best if Mugman told you that." The young cup suggested. Cup and his guardian sat in silence for a few seconds. They stared at one another, attempting to read each other's minds. Did Elder Kettle still want Cuphead to get Mugman up? Could the kettle not wait for an explanation as to why the young mug could not sleep? The elderly glassware eventually broke the silence.

"I'll go see him. Wait here." Kettle said before leaving his place at the table. His cane tapped on the floor every other step as he approached the boys' room. A gloved hand pushed the door open to see the young mug still peacefully sleeping. He had intended to wake up the child, but now hesitated upon the sight of Mugman deep in his slumber. The child's body lay still under the sheets. Steady and calm breaths emitted from the little mug. Elder Kettle approached the bedside and stared down at his boy. Part of him wanted to let the cup child sleep, but the other part wanted to know what was going on with his sleep schedule. A gloved hand gently reached down and nudged the small shoulder back and forth.

"Mugman, it's morning." He said quietly. The young mug stirred but then pulled the sheets over his head. "Come on, son. It's time to get up." Mug reluctantly shoved the blankets down and opened his eyes. He was surprised to see his guardian standing over him. The little mug slowly sat up.

"Elder Kettle? What are you doing in here?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's past 9am." The kettle stated.

"Oh, sorry." Mugman sleepily apologized for dozing so late.

"Cuphead says you haven't been sleeping well. Is there something you would like to share with me?" Kettle asked.

"Yes, I was going to tell you today." Mug replied. "I keep having nightmares where the demon torments me. Both mentally and physically. Cuphead often finds me waking up screaming and, more recently, lashing out..."

"How long has this been going on?" The Elder inquired.

"Ever since the incident at the market." Mugman stated. "When the demon made its presence known to everyone."

"Don't worry, Mugs. We will get this fixed." His guardian said and placed a hand on his right shoulder. "I'll go visit Djimmi today and see about some sort of demon-nightmare repellent."

"Golly, you will?" Mug asked with hope in his voice.

"Yes." He replied. "And I promise that there is such a thing." Mugman was so happy that he stood up on his bed and threw his arms around the generous kettle.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now