Battle at Mt. Inkwell

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Mugman and Elder Kettle made their way up the mountain yet again to begin another training session. Kettle was a few paces ahead of his boy as Mug took his time, kicking small pebbles around to occupy himself as he talked with his demon.

Today's going to be the day! The little mug beamed. We're going to show Elder Kettle just how far we've come!

If you're thinking of forcing me to embrace the kettle with affections, you're wrong! It grumbled to its host.

Oh, no he doesn't need to hug you or anything. I just want you to be okay with having him around and protect him if I say so.

Very well. Just as long as he doesn't try to shower me with any sappy affections. It's just weird...and unnatural to be given a hug from someone whom you've considered an adversary. The child ignored that last part. He hoped that it didn't see Elder Kettle like that anymore.

I think we can work with that. Mug silently replied as he hopped over a soccer ball sized rock. A large smile plastered on his face. Boy, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees our teamwork!

Sh! The demon hushed him. I hear something.

The mug child stopped moving and attempted to listen through the ground like the parasitic creature had done before. He listened with his feet and picked up on a set of footsteps with a third and lighter tap in between the two vibrations of the feet.

That's just Elder Kettle. Mug said and prepared to keep moving.

Very good, Mugman! It praised. You do indeed learn quickly! But no, that's not what I'm hearing. It's not touching the ground.

The two voices stood in silence for a few seconds trying to pick up on what the whooshing sound was. What they did know was that it seemed to grow closer and closer with each sound it made.

It sounds like.....wings. Mug's dark creature concluded. Fear struck Mugman. He had just met someone new today that had wings. And it certainly didn't take kindly to the fact that he had rescued its meal.

"Wings!" The young mug shouted out. He was at a loss for any other words of warning. No sooner had he said that, the large black body swooped overhead, barely a few feet above his mug. The powerful gust of wind nearly knocked the child off his feet. His brown boots stumbled back and forth, trying desperately to keep himself standing. Elder Kettle was starting to turn around when he heard his boy let out the unusual cry. The bat went right past Mugman and opened its talons to grab the elderly person. A clawed foot grabbed the kettle's arm and attempted to lift the faded glass body off the ground. Mug saw this and wasted no time in unleashing an attack against it. A pulse of dark blue magic was punched forward. It exploded on the muscular hide of the black creature. Hexter dropped his prey and crashed to the ground with a yelp of pain. The mug child raced forward, determined to keep this dangerous creature away from his grandpa. A glowing blue fist winded up and aimed for the creature's dome-shaped head. The demon bat whipped around and saw this attack coming. Its winged hand caught the mug's arm and held it away from himself. Mug still struggled to try to bring it down upon the bat's head.

"You'll have to go through me if you want to hurt Elder Kettle!" Mugman hissed at the assassin. Hexter laughed at the child before responding with his acceptance of the duel.

"Works for me!" It hissed. The young mug brought a set of claws down on the creature's head while it was still laughing at him. It opened the bat's previous wound that started to bleed even more profusely than the first time. Hexter screeched in pain as his dome got torn open even further. The winged hand let go as he seized his head in an attempt to lessen the bleeding. Mug took this opportunity to blast it again with powerful magic. This time, the dark blue pulse hit it at close range. The black muscular body slid along the ground and didn't stop until his head made contact with a large boulder sitting on the mountain. It fell silent and motionless for the time being.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now