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3rd Person Perspective


Clementine awakes to the sound of her alarm clock, not excited for the first day of school at all. She slowly raises up out of bed, rubbing her eyes with her fists balled up. She slowly gets ready and walks downstairs with her backpack and runs down the stairs only to be greeted by her foster parents Lee and Carley. Lee is the principal of the school and Carley is the Guidance Councilor.

"Good morning sweetpea, how did you sleep last night?" Lee said.

"Not very well Lee. Too stressed out about school." Clementine said.

"Aw, don't be Clementine. You're gonna do great just like you always have. Just do what you normally do. It's gonna be your senior year. Enjoy it while it lasts. It's gonna fly by very quickly. Plus you'll have your friends still. You'll also have me there. Don't stress about it. I know that's easier said than done, but just try to think about something else."

"Thanks Lee. I appreciate it." Clementine said as she sat down with Lee and Carley and ate breakfast. After they finished up they all got in Lee's car and headed to school. Ericson's School for Troubled Youth.

As they all get there, Clem looks out the window and sees a few friends waiting on her. Louis, Marlon, and Brody. Clem jumped out of the car as soon as they parked and ran over and jumped into all three of them who were super excited to see her, wrapping their arms around her in a group hug.

"God have I missed you guys so much this summer." Clem said.

"Really, who could miss a face like that?" Marlon says, pointing at Louis. Louis clutched at his heart, pretending to be offended as all of them share a laugh.

They all walk inside, to get their schedules from the front office. They're all excited but at the same time, it's not the same for Clem. She has barely any classes with the rest of them. She has Algebra with Brody, History with Louis and Aasim, and Science with Marlon, Ruby, and Mitch. Her other 3 classes are just pointless elective classes. She just picked random ones because she didn't care. On their way out, Clem bumped into someone, dropping her paperwork that her guardians had to sign. She looked up after picking them up to see a blonde who looked upset.

"Sorry about that, I should've been watching where I was going." Clementine said as she walked away. "Weird, she didn't say anything. She just continued looking at the ground. I expected her to get mad at least." Clementine was lost in thought until she just shook it off and walked to Lee's office to drop off her papers.

"Hey Lee, I was told to bring this to you." Clementine said as she handed over the papers.

"Thanks sweetpea, give me just a second and I'll have it signed for you and I'll give it back." He said as he started writing with his pen.

"Here you go. Oh here take this too. It's your room number and your keys to your room. I know you wanted a room here at school so you could be closer to the school. I tried to get you a room to yourself but we don't have the room. You'll be paired up with a young woman around your age named...Violet Adlon." He says as he hands me the stuff. I look at the keys and paper saying my room number and floor that my room is on.

"This Violet girl, what do you know about her?" Clem asked, wanting to know if she was gonna be a problem.

"Well obviously the reason she got sent here is confidential so I can't tell you that but other than that, she's new so I don't know much about her. We talked to her parents and they told me that she was a quiet girl. She's been through a lot. If I were you, I'd try to be her friend. She may need someone to be there for her." Lee said leaning back into his chair.

"If that's what you think I should do Lee, I'll do it." Clem says.

"Good, now go on to class sweet pea, you're gonna be late."

"Clementine looked at the clock and it was 3 minutes until she had to be in class.

"Ok, thanks for the room Lee, can you bring my clothes here when you get the chance to after school?" Clem asked as she opened the door.

"Absolutely Clem, after I get finished with paperwork, I'll do that for you." Lee said. Clem smiled as she left his room.

Clem went through her day as if it was any normal school day until she got to lunch. Boy was she hungry. She went through line and found their normal table that her group normally sat at. She sat down and immediately starting chowing down on her food. A basic cheeseburger with pickles, lettuce, and tomato on it. Along with her apple juice and french fries. Soon enough everyone started to join her.

"Clem?" Louis says.

"Yeah?" Clem answered.

"What does that D on your hat mean?" Louis asks as Clem facepalms. Louis asked this question like once every couple of weeks and for some reason he keeps forgetting. Clementine isn't sure if he's doing it as a joke now or not.

"Louis, for like, the millionth time, I have no idea. My dad gave it to me. I think it has something to do with baseball. At least that's what he told me before they...uh" Clem started thinking back on how her parents passed away. As soon as the others noticed she felt Brody's hand on her shoulder.

"It's ok Clem, you know he didn't mean to-" "I know Brody. It's fine" Clem said quietly, cutting her off. She sat there and stared the rest of the food, frowning.

"I think I'm gonna go to my room and get settled in while lunch is still going on. I'll talk to you guys after school." Clem said as she stood up with her bag and walked out. She held the paper up to read it. 2F R16.

Clem walks up the stairs and walks through several hallways before she finds her room. She pulls out the keys and puts it into the lock and opens the door and walks in. As she walked in, she notices the girl that bumped into that morning. She sitting on the windowsill with her arms crossed looking out the window.

"Oh hey, it's you." Clem said as she sat down her backpack. "We started off in a weird way, let me formally introduce myself. I'm Clementine." She said, holding out her hand for a handshake. That blonde just stayed looking at the window.

"Violet." Is all she said. Clem was concerned for her. This girl oobviously isolate. Like she has no one. Clem pulled away her hand and sat down on what she can assume is her bed.

"Nice to meet you Violet. Lunch is going on right now by the way. I don't know if you're eaten yet but you should."

"I'll be fine." Violet says.

"Are you sure, I can get you something to eat. I have the money if you don't." Clem said, trying to be friendly with Violet. Violet sits there and thinks about it for a second. She wants to, but she doesn't want anyone to worry about her.

"I'll be fine Clementine. I'm not hungry. Why are you up here then if lunch is happening right now?" Violet asks.

"I just wanted some space. I started thinking about my parents after my friend Louis started asking questions about my hat."

"Louis. Is he the guy with the dreads and the long coat, really loud?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"

"Not really...dumbass tripped over a desk this morning. There you go, hang that over his head the next time he starts upsetting you again." Violet said as both girls share a laugh. Violet wasn't normally this talkative, but for some reason she felt like it.

"Hey, you're pretty cool Violet. If you'd like, we should probably get to know each other better."

"Yeah...uh...thanks. That'd be cool." Violet said.

"Alright well I'm gonna head off to class. You should too. You don't wanna be late." Clementine said. She walks outside of the room to go on to her next class.

Thank you for reading this. I honestly wanted to start something new to work that way I don't get tired of writing the same story. Whatever It Takes will still continue, I'm not discontinuing it by any means, I just wanted to work on both that way if I get tired of writing one, I can flip flop to the other. Anyways, catch you later! 👋👋

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