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Suicidal thoughts in this chapter. You've been warned.

Violet had gone to the bathroom during one of her classes and as she went to wash her hands, she heard a voice creeping up into her brain.

Hello Violet.

"Go away." Violet said.

Why Violet? Oh...it's that girl, isn't it?

"I'm not gonna listen to a damn thing you say." Violet said as she finished washing her hands.

Do you really think she cares about you?

"Of course I do. She has shown me plenty of times that she does." Violet said as she stared into the bathroom mirror.

We both know what's gonna happen. She's gonna earn your trust and throw you to the side just like Minnie did.

"Get out of my head. You're wrong." Violet said as she slammed her hands onto the counter.

Why do you always put yourself in these places to get hurt? It's like your asking for bad things to happen. Clementine will realize sooner or later, that you aren't worth her time. She doesn't want a broken and useless girl. She wants someone that is strong and capable.

"Shut...up" Violet screamed through gritted teeth.

Why should I? After all, I am your conscience, and you know what some people say, follow...your...conscience.

"Please leave me alone." Violet begged as her eyes began to fill up with tears.

I can't do that Violet. I have a job for you.

"Fuck you and your damn job." Violet said.

Why should I? We both know we have unfinished business. Now, listen closely.

"No." Violet said.

Shatter the mirror in front of you.

"Violet tried to fight it, but her body was beginning to run on autopilot. She slowly took her jacket off and wrapped the sleeve around her hand, covering her knuckles. She jabbed the glass and it didn't break so he swung a few more times. Crack after crack, punch after punch, and finally, the mirror broke. Shards of glass fell onto the counter.

Good. Now I want you to grip that long piece right there, by your right index finger.

Violet tried to fight it but it wad like her body was moving on its own. Her hand slithered over to the shard and wrapped around it. Violet gripped it tightly, causing the glass to dig into her hand, causing blood to drip to the counter.

Good. Now we both know what you should do with that.

"No...I don't want to." Violet said as tears began to fall from her eyes.

Do it! You'll be doing everyone a favor.

"What about Clem?" Violet asked herself.

What about her? We've already told you what's gonna happen next. This world will never accept you as a person, who you are, and what you're about.

"You don't know that." Violet said.

I know something about Clem that you don't.

"Yeah? And what would that be?" Violet asked.

She's only with you because she feels bad for you.

It was at this point Violet began thinking. She wondered if her brain could possibly be right. She wondered if Clem actually cared about her at all. She lost all self control. She pressed the shard against her wrist, ready to cut.

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