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For days, the police investigated the murder. No murder weapon was found and no concrete evidence was found that could potentially pinpoint a possible suspect. The boy's parents are suing the school and everything is a shit show at the school. Kids are beginning to get scared that the culprit will strike again and they're on edge. The police put the investigation on hold and classes are back in session.

"Alright class. Yes it's tragic that a boy passed away, but class has to go on." Clem and Violet's teacher said as he turned around and started writing math problems onto the chalkboard. Clem was bored out of her mind and Violet had the image of that boy stuck in her head. That image burned into her head, and she couldn't get it out.

"Violet are you ok?" Clem whispered. Violet just sat there, and stared at the desk. She didn't even respond.

"We'll talk about it after class." Clem whispered as she sat back in her desk. Another hour passed by and finally, class was over. Clem put her books into her bag and waited for Violet to get her stuff together and they headed for their next class.

"Alright so what's bothering you?" Clem asked as she grabbed the blonde's hand.

"I still see him Clem. That kid with his throat slit. I can't get it out of my head." Violet said.

"Vi, it's ok." Clem said.

"No it's not. A kid is dead. Murdered." Violet said.

"I know and that sucks, but we are alive. I'm right here next to you and if anyone tries to do anything to you, I'll stop them myself." Clem said.

"I love you Clem." Violet said as she squeezed Clem's hand.

"I love you too Vi." Clem said as they walked to their next class.


A couple of the preppy girls were in the bathroom, smoking and all of them had to leave for different reasons.

"Sorry Leah, we have to get to class. If we miss again, we're gonna get in trouble. See ya." One of them said as three of them left the bathroom. Leah, one of the school's brightest students, stayed behind. She started fixing up her makeup until she dropped her lipstick. She looked at the tube of lipstick and bent over to pick it up. She felt like someone was watching her. She slowly glanced to her left and saw someone standing there. She recognized who it was.

"It's you." Leah said.

"Sorry about this..." The person said as they pulled out a knife.

"Please, you don't have to do this! Plea-" She was cut off by the mysterious assailant driving their knife into the girl's neck. She dragged the blade across the girl's neck and yanked it out. Leaving the girl behind to choke to death on her own blood.

Later that day...

The bell rang, signalling for everyone to go to their final class of the day.

"Clem, I really need to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to go alone. Can you come with me?" Violet asked.

"Sure." Clem said as Violet and her walked to the bathroom. They head inside and see the blood, causing Violet to tremble in her boots. Clem and her reluctantly peak around the corner to confirm their suspicions. A girl, with her throat slit, just like the boy from the other day. Clem and Violet run out of the bathroom.

"Help! It's happened again!" Clem yelled as this time Lee ran around the corner.

"Clem, Violet, are you girls ok?" Lee said.

"Lee...there's a girl, dead, in the bathroom." Clem said as she held Violet, who was shaking violently. Lee shoved his hand into his face and looked into the bathroom. He leaned around the corner and sighed. He grabbed his school walkie-talkie and cleared his throat.

Til Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now