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The moment you've all been waiting for :) Enjoy!

The two girls walked up the bell tower stairs. Violet still had a grip on Clem's hand the entire time. They got to the top and Clem couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Violet, you can see the whole school from up here." Clem said with wonder in her voice.

"I wanted to spend time with you up here for a while. Come with me." Violet said as they walked over to the walkway. There were no railings so they had to watch their step so they wouldn't fall off.

"Wow...beautiful." Clem said.

"I come up here sometimes when it gets heavy down there. To get away for a while. For some peace and quiet. Clem?" Violet asked. Clem looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah?" Clem said.

"After all the bullshit people have put me through here, you were there for me. You could've just left me in the dust and not looked back. You could've just protected your image here and not ruined it by being my friend. Why didn't you?" Violet asked.

"Why would I throw you away for anyone else? As far as I'm concerned, there's no one else at the school that I'd rather be around more than you." Clem asked. Violet smiled, ad she began to feel emotions she's never felt before. She felt wanted, special, and overall, she was happier than ever.

"I'm glad. Sit down with me. You can sit without falling to your death." Violet said as Clem did what she said.

"What do you know about constellations?" Violet asked.

"Not a thing." Clem answered.

"From my understanding, everyone is born under a special sign, right? Like it determines your personality or something?" Violet said, unsure if what she said was correct.

"Yeah. Your zodiac sign, it's like your horoscope or something like that." Clem said.

"Yeah but fuck those ways of doing things. I want to make up our own." Violet said as Clem shrugged and smiled, not really minding it.

"Alright, I see a fish." Violet said. Clem began looking and she couldn't find it.

"Where is it?" Clem asked as Violet chuckled.

"It's right there. Right above your head." Violet said, knowing she was gonna get sass from Clem.

"Haha very funny Violet. They're all above my head. Wait I think I see it." Clem said as she pointed at it. Violet was impressed. She knew Clem was smart but not this smart.

"Yep. Let's see here. Bright, pretty, tons of energy, good with other people, sound like anyone you know?" Violet asked.

"Uh, sounds like Sophie." Clem said.

"I believe it." Violet said.

"Alright, I spy with my little eye a...knife." Violet said. This time Clem found it almost immediately.

"Right there." Clem said.

"Wow very perceptive. Anyways. Smart, clean, vicious, dependable. Someone you want to back you up if shit goes down. Doesn't take crap from anyone. Gets shit done." Violet said.

"Sounds like you Violet." Clem said.

"People get to me sometimes but yeah, I like that one." Violet said.

"Even if people get in your head sometimes I know you're strong enough to kick them back and push on. That's just who you are. There's not a person on this planet I'd consider being stronger than you." Clem said. Violet looked at her and blushed.

"Thank you Clem. Let's do one last one." Violet said as she looked at the night sky, looking for another one. Then she spots one.

"I see a bird." Violet said.

"Like a real bird?" Clem asked.

"No silly, a star bird." Violet said pointing at it.

"A bird is free. It could go anywhere it wanted to. Up and up and up, and never come back. Go south, east, west, doesn't matter. You could fly straight into a sunset if you wanted, and see where it ends." Violet said.

"You wish it was you, don't you?" Clem asked.

"Most of the time yeah. I like to imagine being able to fly above all the bullshit I got through on a day to day basis and be able to be free of it all again. The sad part is...is that I'll never get to have that chance. Bad shit follows me everywhere and it's like the world won't let me be happy for once. When shit gets heavy down there, I come up here and pretend to be weightless. I'm able to be me and not get judged for once." Violet said as she started tear up. Clem scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her.

"Violet, you're the most amazing person I know. Anyone who can't see that is fucking blind. I mean look at you. You're pretty, smart, strong, caring, and so imaginative. Look at us right now, we were just stargazing and you were able to come up with descriptions for each constellation on the fly." Clem said as she noticed Violet start to crack a smile. Violet pulled down her sleeve and wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Thank you Clem, but I think you need to take a look at yourself and see what you are. I mean, you're the best person in the world in my eyes. There's so many good things I can say about you just from the top of my head. Gorgeous, funny, intuitive, and caring too." Violet was beginning to open up to Clem and that's when she realized, it's time.

"Sorry I didn't mean to just talk so much. It's just that I have had friends, family, and even Minnie and all them left me in the dust. They no longer wanted anything to do with me and it sucked. You didn't leave Clem. You've stuck right by me and you've not left my side once. Nowadays, I can't imagine a world without you in it." Violet said as she looked away scratching her neck. She was blushing hardcore but she didn't want Clem to see her so vulnerable. What surprised her next was Clem slid her hand over Violet's and gripped it, intertwining their fingers together. Violet looked down at their hands.

"Clem...?" Violet said.

"Yeah?" Clem said as she smiled.

"I like you. A whole lot. You've helped me through so much mentally you don't even know. Every time I had a dark thought, I'd think of you. I would think of your smile, your laugh, your attitude, everything about you. I don't want to think of a world without you." Violet said. Clem sat there and thought for a second.

"Violet, I like you too. Ever since I met you and got to know you. I knew you were special from the beginning. I don't want anyone else. I want you." Clem said. Violet sat there in shock. She couldn't believe that someone ad amazing as Clem would want to be with her.

"Are you sure?" Violet asked. Clem didn't waste any time. She placed her hands on the sides of Violet's face and went in to kiss her. This was a magical moment for the two. The stars in the sky during this moment made it absolutely beautiful. Clem slowly pulls away and smiles.

"Does that answer your question?" Clem asked. Violet was completely shocked. Her eyes were wide open, her face was blood red, and she couldn't even move.

"Clem...I...uh...what just happened?" Violet asked.

"Me saying yes. That's what happened." Clem said as Violet looked at her with disbelief.

"Does this mean we are girlfriends?" Violet asked, still unsure if this was actually happening.

"I would certainly hope so." Clem said with a chuckle. Violet smiled and she placed her hand over Clem's. Violet never felt happier. She had someone who genuinely cared about her in her life. She vowed to herself and to Clem that she wouldn't fuck this up. She wanted this to last, as did Clementine.

And the ship has sailed! :)

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