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I am truthfully sorry for the MUCH slower update schedule. I truly love this story, and I often refer to it as my favorite story I've ever written, and I honestly mean that. That's why it takes me a bit to update it because I don't want to rush it. If you're mad, angry, or upset, maybe even downright disappointed for the slower update schedule, you have every right to be. There really is no excuse and for that, the blame is on me. This story isn't ending anytime soon, but I want to do it right. So I'm gonna hopefully end my other book soon so that way this will be my primary focus. Thank you guys for everything that you have done for me. I hope you enjoy :)

Clementine had already paid for the dance tickets. It was only a few days until the dance and she was excited. She had gone to prom, homecoming, if there was a dance, she had gone before at least once. Violet had never gone and she was super nervous. She was scared. Scared of how it was gonna be done, if people would pick on her like usual, what she would wear, and it was getting to her. She wanted to impress Clementine, but she was doubting herself. She put her head down on her desk and tried to sleep, but was soon woken up by the teacher.

"Ms. Adlon, if you can't stay awake in my class, then maybe you should leave." A teacher said as Violet quickly raised her head up and cleared her throat.

"Sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind lately." Violet said.

"Do you need to see the counselor?" The teacher asked.

"No. I'll be fine." Violet said as she began rubbing her eyes.

"Alright but stop sleeping in my class. This is your first and only warning." The teacher said before quickly writing something on the board. The bell rang sometime later and Violet grabbed her bag and walked out of the room. She was stopped by a few bullies, who were friends of Minerva's who pushed Violet against the lockers.

"So a little birdie told us that you're going to be going to the winter bash. Is this true?" One of the girls asked.

"Why do you care?" Violet asked.

"So you think you can just take away Minnie's freedom while you get to enjoy it for yourself? You don't deserve to have your freedom." The girl said as Violet tried so hard to bite her tongue and not punch this girl in the mouth.

"She tried to kill me!?" Violet yelled, causing for everyone to pay attention to what was happening.

"Maybe she should have just done it then. A dyke shouldn't be out going to dances anyway." The girl said as Clementine had just returned from talking to Lee. She walked over and slapped the books out of the bully's hands and pushed her away.

"Why don't you leave her the fuck alone? She has done nothing to you. Hell she got stabbed by your friend and you still decide to protect that bitch without even getting to know Violet." Clem said.

"Why would we want to be friends with her? Look at her and look at us." The girl said.

"Listen here bitch, I've had with you people. I am looking at you right now and all I see is a disgusting, dumb, whore who thinks she's better than anyone else because she's landed in bed with more people than anyone else in the senior class. Then I look at Violet and she will always have the one aspect of her that none of you will ever have." Clem said.

"Uh huh, and what would that be?" The girl asked.

"Authenticity. She's the most down to earth, realest person I've ever met. While you girls do nothing but throw others under the bus for your own self benefit. Well newsflash for you, you're not special, and you'll never be special." Clementine said as one of the girls picked up the books on the floor and they walked away. Violet walked over and clutched Clementine's hand, who smiled in return.

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