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A few days later...

"Clementine Everett, please report to the office. Clementine Everett please report to the office." The intercom lady said. Clem and Violet looked at each other with confusion.

"Care to walk with me down there?" Clem asked. It was lunch time so they were allowed to leave if they so desired.

"Not at all. Let's go." Violet said as they both stand up and walk to the office. They walk up to the lady behind the desk and smile.

"Hi I heard I was called down here for something." Clem said.

"Yes ma'am you were. Here, your schedule has been adjusted per request of the principal. Here's your new schedule." The lady said, handing Clem a piece of paper with her new classes printed on them.

"Wow Violet, we have all of the same classes now." Clem said. Violet knew what was going on. Lee was trying to help. To her though, he was trying to help out a little too much. Nonetheless, she was appreciative of it.

"Yes we do. That's odd. Maybe your dad just wants us to be around each other more." Violet said.

"Yeah, that seems to be the case." Clem said, smiling like a kid in the candy store. They walk back to the lunchroom after thanking the lady and sat down at their table prior. Their trays were still there, but Violet's had a slip of paper taped to hers. Before she could take it, Clem's protective side came out and grabbed the paper first. She unfolded it and read off the note in her head.

Look at the dyke walking her new girlfriend to class. How cute. Why don't you just nut up and tell her how you feel rather than being the pussy you've always been. Or are those times where we "had fun" still lingering in your brain. Fuckin' pathetic.- M

Clem's blood was boiling at this point. She was at her last thread, clinging on for dear life, about to snap. She was visibly shaking, so much so that Violet placed her hand on Clem's. Clem started to slowly lose the tension in her body.

"Clem, what does it say?" Violet asked as she took the note. She read it and her eyes popped out.

"Clem don't be angry. It's Minerva. I'd recognize that signature from anywhere. She's just trying to fuck with us. Don't worry about it." Violet said as the bell rang for everyone to go to their next class. Violet and Clem had gym right after so that's where they went.

They had no one to worry about this class. No Minerva, no Gabe, and no bullying whatsoever. Other than the gym teacher Ms. Lilly being strict as always, things were peaceful. Plus this class had Louis in it as well. They did the normal gym routine. Pushups, situps, and a mile run. After that, it was a free day for kids as long as they did something involving exercise or sports. Clem, Violet, and Louis grabbed a basketball and started shooting hoops. Well Louis did because he could actually play, Violet didn't make a shot and Clem only made a couple. A kid took notice of this and chuckled.

"You handle a ball as if someone cut your finger off." She said. (I'm so sorry 😅)

"Don't listen to her Violet. Here, let me show you my technique. Something I haven't even showed Clem." Louis said.

"You tried to get me to learn it Louis. You used it as bargaining chip to get with me and I still said no." Clem said as Louis looked on with embarrassment.

"Anyways, pull your elbow in. The way you're having it angled is making the ball want to move to the side. You have to make sure your posture is right too. That way you can do it more frequently." Louis said" trying to show his technique. Violet usually shot a basketball with her elbow all spread-eagle style so that usually caused the ball to move off it's intended target. Violet went for it again and she made it.

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